Welcome Cory. The House is definetly the place to be.

You don't. You see, you're close to me... so you drop off a 30 pack at MY house...
And just let ME do the rest.
I love BEER and TREEHOUSE! Welcome Hippie and Cory!!
That's what I was afraid of.
Name's Tom been a lurker for a bit and decided to jump in. Sorry I already drank all the beer.
A bit about me. Long time ago in a different world I was a climber for a while (mid to late 80's). You know the ol' double braid with a tautline. The way MB still climbs. Kidding! Anyhow I never really stopped dumping trees and even still climbed a few for friends and neighobr's from time to time. In the last year or so I've been asked to do quite a be more tree work so I decided to "dig in" and do this properly! Man oh Man how things have changed!! I can see now that the tree is really the weak link today. I'm a welder in the 'real' world and worked several years in ship yards so rigging is no stranger to me. I really like ya'll and I've been to all the other places (i.e. AS and TB) they are OK but I thing they have kind of a thin skin over there.
Just got a 12er...
Hope Keystone Ice is cool, only had 6 bucks...
Howdy Steve, Tom.