I joined The Treehouse a week or so ago after seeing August Hunicke speak highly of it but I am just now seeing this thread for new members.
I have been falling, limbing, bucking, and splitting trees (~30" DBH max) for 15 years or so on a small woodlot and for friends... no climbing.
I was spared several times after doing stupid and ignorant dangerous things (e.g. cutting through the hinge).
Eventually I began to pay attention to and understand what they were talking about in the Stihl owner's manuals, etc. about techniques and safety.
About 4 years ago got into chainsaw milling and was inspired by Will Malloff and his book.
Before I quit my city job about a year ago I knew I wanted to go into firewood sales to supplement SS.
Was inspired by a one man operation on Youtube -- Tim H. Gruchow -- who has a tree removal and firewood business in Minnesota.
Also by another "older" gentleman, an engineer, on Youtube...self taught climbing... Terry Hale
From Will Malloff's book I leaned about Douglas Dent's book and the BC "Fallers' and Buckers' Handbook" and have studied them
Then I heard about Jeff Jepson and eventually acquired and studied all 3 of his books.
After being inspired to think about taking up climbing for simple tree removals, I bought Peter "Treeman" Jenkins's "Tree Climbing Basics"
At some point I heard about Jerry Beranek as highly recommended, and got his book -- but it was "old" (pre-2000) ... and like an idiot, I discounted it and ignored it for a while.
Then recently I saw August Hunicke's interview with Mr. Beranek, and having seen lots of August Hunicke's videos and respecting his judgement I started reading "The Fundamentals of General Treework" and it is amazing the organized, 360 degree "brain dump" of years of experience that Mr. Beranek put into this book.
I recently bought the full "Working Climber" DVD set and have begun watching them.
Also, have ordered the "Art & Science of Practical Rigging" DVD and book and it should be here soon.
I am planning on teaching myself to climb for simple tree removals (and pruning my own trees)... and to begin on trees on my own small woodlot.
Equipment: chainsaws, rope, and accompanying paraphernalia, and a 1995 Dodge 2500 (which is in the shop).
I am insured and have my first year memberships in the TCIA and ISA
I have other responsibilities which might prohibit or restrict my ability to be a dependable part-time worker for an existing tree company.
So for learning and training -- I am pretty much dependent on my own experience, books, Youtube, etc. ---- and now -- THIS valuable resource.... all the helpful folks here at "The Treehouse"
I am married with two grown sons.
I know that in the best of circumstances, God willing, I only have a few years left to physically be able to do this (but thanks be to God, I am currently in pretty good health for a 63 year old guy, but age eventually gets us all).
As a wannabee big-time timber faller and climber (e.g. August Hunicke, Reg Coates, -- on Youtube), in one sense I wish I had gotten into this a long time ago.... but a long time ago I would have probably been too scared.
Now, at 63, however it seems the intersection of age, ability, desire, etc. are all coming together at a MUCH lower level than most of you other guys work at

... but, I think, doable for me -- and maybe I'll have a few years of it part-time.
Looking to make a small living in the tree removal and firewood business.
Thanks for all the help y'all have given me so far!
Best Wishes,
Robert Wood.