The Official Random Video Thread!

There was one high altitude jump where a fellow cracked his faceplate on the gondola when he exited. It resulted in his tragic death. Going into a flat spin was something that they adjusted for during the previous record jump. An increasing in velocity spin is definitely hazardous to your health, and worse than that beyond a certain point. Takes some guts for sure.
some people just don't know when to STFU
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That vid didn't last long. Not only is the video gone ... the account is GONE.

This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

The video police have spoken! :lol:
Way too much violence in the world.
Yep violence of all sorts. You ever seen that 2010 movie "Buried" Jay? I still get the creeps from watching it a year ago, just shows me what has been done to people in places like Iraq [sometimes disobedient wifes or daughters] in real life .
Alot of crazy crap going on in this world.
Cool guy. Have you seen any of his shows, Jay?

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stig ought to enjoy this one. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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