I like using a chain stitch lashing for that kinda stuff, or a packers knot. Do a figure 8 with the bitter end around the line, cinch tight, then throw a half hitch over the bitter end tail to lock it in place, super quick and easy. You can also use a buntline hitch for the same effect, even more secure, but also sometimes a little too secure for my tastes. The chain stitch lashing is simply a chain sinnet around an object to whatever length you need, works great for taming tarps and stuff. I love it on my sails when they're dropped, it's like full reefing it down but quicker and easier. Grabs it all over the surface, yet then you just pull the knot out from one end and boom ready to go, no going everywhere to untie it.
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The chain sinnet can also be used to manage larger ropes. I like the double chain sinnet myself for certain lines that i want to pay out perfectly, such as an anchor rode. The double is faster to tie since you use both hands, and it reduces the length by at least a factor of 4. You can also double the line (or more) before you start, so a 200 foot bull line becomes roughly 20 to 25 feet long, which is just long enough to wrestle around a bit more comfortably, and since it's all locked in place it can't tangle. Carpenters around here use it for cords and air lines, not my preferred method but they seem to like it.