The Official Random Video Thread!

So good!

<iframe src="" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">"7FT Gundam" - Ultimate Papercraft</a> from <a href="">Taras Lesko</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
This is pretty cool. We used to get a starling flock where I grew up every year, probably a few hundred birds, deafening noise but not this massive of a flight.
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We have that in the south western part of the country every year.
It has turned into quite the tourist attraction.
Called sort sol ( black sun) for some obscure ( to me, anyway!) reason.
The explanation lies in strength in numbers.
The old: "It may happen to the guy next door, but not to me" thing.

My wife went to see the "Sort sol" last year.
There was a peregrine falcon hunting the sparrows. It had a hard time making up it's mind which one to attack, with so many to choose from.

It is the same thing that make fish like Herring travel in HUGE schools, swarms, packs, prides, whatever the current English word for lots of fish in a bunch is. ( or rather they used to before they were overfished! ) and Wildebeest cross the Serengeti not one at a time but 10000 at a time.

Safety in numbers.

Oddly enough, I've always felt safest when I was all alone.
yet in at least one case, the grouping is good for the hunter, admittedly this isnt schooling in the same idea as yours rather the concentration of a number of prey in a small area due to the breeding ground traffic jam.
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Thug with gun gets slapped down hard.

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This stuff looks cool.

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Spray it on the tent and you are good to go when camping, no more wet sleeping bags.
Spray it on the tent and you are good to go when camping, no more wet sleeping bags.

Oh, I got that licked, bought a sleep system with a Goretex outer bag ;-)

Ebay ;-) used in near perfect condition, can find them for near $100 or so if you have patience. And so far, I am much impressed with it, a bit heavy for backpacking but otherwise, bomb proof. Ok, not literally.

Got mine from this guy, $76 plus shipping.
This is cool!

<iframe src="" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS</a> from <a href="">Michael König</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>