You mean to say that you are unaware of all the cases there have been the last couple of years of black people ending up dead because your cops use a gun as the answer to any problem?
Not only black people for that matter.
Go check the " Cops suck" thread, then tell me that again.
Thought about it a bit, and came to the conclusion that in a way, you are right.
A Danish police officer who draws his gun has to turn in a written report, stating the reason for doing so.
Even if said officer didn't fire it.
Actually firing it would lead to a complete avalance of paperwork and to the officer having to be put before a State board of people controlling our police force, where it would be determined if the officer was justified in firing his gun. Even if he/she didn't hit anybody.
So our police force don't go around dressed as SWAT teams, and they are extremely careful about using their guns.
They don't have the " if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" approach of your police officers.
That also means that the big rift between the police and those they are supposed to protect isn't seen here.
So yes.
A foreign thing.