The Official Random Video Thread!

Anchors Away!

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Yeah, its the Navy, they must have salvaged it, eh?
The fella in the red shirt is scarey as a mofo!

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Those two guys are all over FB over here.

Lot of people asking if he's a joiner as he's going to take his mums doors off the hinges.

Classic stuff, especially when he punches himself in the face!

I'd love Stig's take on it!
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I'm pretty sure I'd put some distance between me and them.

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Follow up from the .gif thread.

Wind turbines don't only self destruct...see a tornado take one out (blows the blade off then sucks it back into the vortex) and see a condor fly into a blade:

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He is not the only bird to die that way, thats why he is there.

There will often be dead birds and bats at the base of those towers. A vulture or whatever type of scavenger will cruise by to eat the dead ones.

The condor was probably flying around it waiting for the car to leave.
Impressive the way the ball bounced. Made me finally understand how water is like cement if you're going too fast.