The Official Random Video Thread!

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Remember when all the famous cliff faces of the world wasn't covered in trails of chalk?
I also remember when they would lock people up that threatened their own lives, and say that it was for their own good. Now they call it supreme talent and give them sponsorship.
Kenyans are a super race?

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Hope that dad doing the filming used it as a good teaching moment for his son, Nick. And, then he moved to better neighborhood. :lol:
This one's not for you MB.. It's longer than 2-4 minutes :lol:

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Sheer artistry..
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Cool Stephen! Thanks for posting that link. I remember seeing that Sing Out, Sweet Land when it first aired (yep ... OLD! :lol:)
Not sure if the first video will play but the second will:

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It's cool how the cab stays level & plumb! I could get real fat and lazy running one of those. :)