The Official Random Video Thread!

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So cool!

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Got a light?

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Remember this?

Blue might like this. It says Isle of Man but it's Ulster GP Road Race.

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Well this is the 2012 Malaysian Cub version.:)

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They are just kids, having fun.
I liked their spirit, how when they crashed, they'd immediately try to get back on and into the race.
:lol: I wanna see the women's necked horse jumping! :lol: at least he had a helmet on :lol:

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Well alrighty then ... to be more accurate ... I wanna see the necked women's horse jumping!
Hey Nick! Here is a rope swing for ya :D
Watch your rope between the legs though :D
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Poor tree....

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Cool place

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Your last post isn't working, Jay. Why "poor tree?"

Cool prosthetic leg, for sure. I bet they cost a fortune!

I'd sure like to see where that rope swing was attached!