The Official Random Video Thread!

Same here, no kicking when I was younger. Different story these days.

A bit of everthing here. Botaoshi. Some strange sports over there.:scrambleup:

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Warning, a lot of the eff wurd!

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Thats alot of work represented there! Good idea going deep too, that way they can stay ahead of it
I'm thinking he must have had a big excavator or something. Really good job, I reckon he must have been preparing well before the waters hit.
I guess a few prepped like this as the flooding was imminent. A few walls collapsed, his held. Some were not high enough. I hope Rob can find me the whole story.

This one is inspired by another thread... OOOOOPS ... bet that left a mark

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Woops, wrong bar....
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Even if he is as mad as a box of frogs...
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Was a time when I thought Machines of Loving Grace were just a band from Chicago but I was mistaken, this started last night over here, very interesting.

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