The Official Random Video Thread!

I guess you ladies never killed an animal, eh? It's just a dead squirrel for goodness sake. It's not like its going to bite her.
Nice manners.

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Sports game in town tonight, this fella got a few trips to the penalty box for being an idiot, some gal decided to reward him in the sin bin with a viewing of her 'assets' , made it past the censors, gotta love live tv and a PVR! :D

NSFW, booby warning!

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Aw, they took that one off. I had to find another one.

That guy didn't seem too impressed.:)

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And the polite robber got busted, seems he's got a bit of a record.

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I'd like to kick the shit outta the last two fools.

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Reminds me of that asshole blocking the exit door at Sam's Club last week, pulled the same insane aggressive attitude toward me when I asked "please let us get out of the store". :X
It's getting close!!!

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If you're worried about May 21 just head to your local police station.

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This clip contains mild peril and some foul language, it's pretty bad, you have been warned.

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I'd like to kick the shit outta the last two fools.

When an asshole like that takes his shirt off to show off his muscles is when you kick him in the gonads.
Right when the shirt blocks his vision.

No one strike death punches needed, just a firm kick in the crotch.
Stig, I was wondering if you were going to comment on when the dude took off his shirt. I was thinking that when he did that, a fighter would pick up on the pending aggression and could easiest grab the back of his head and slam his face into the edge of the car roof, probably break his nose. Maybe try not to drive his septum into his brain and get hooked up with a manslaughter charge. Lively thoughts this morning!
The septum into the brain thing is an old wives tale.

The septum can't be driven into anything, that would be like hammering a nail made of butter into wood.

I speak from experience, having had my nose busted about 10-12 times ( lost count, sorry)

Also, the frontal part of the brain holds no vital functions, at most you'd get a chance of personality, like after a lobotomy.

Going for the balls is the best way. Excrutiating pain and no lasting damage.
I'm with Stig, wait til the silly twat has his shirt half way over his head...then proceed to swiftly bash the frig outta him. Gotta be quick though, 'cause he's not small! Make 'em count!!
And then just hope he doesn't have his Gat handy. Next time, just fill the bag with turds for anyone that tries that hard to steal it.
I'm with Stig, wait til the silly twat has his shirt half way over his head...then proceed to swiftly bash the frig outta him. Gotta be quick though, 'cause he's not small! Make 'em count!!

Great minds think alike :D
Stamp on his hands whilst he's down. Kinda hard to pull a gun or knife with broken fingers:/:
When a boy, there was an unwritten law that you didn't kick when getting into a fight, it was an 'unmanly' thing to do, and if you did kick, even if you were to win a fight that way, there would likely be some ridicule, and the victory would pretty much get discounted among your peers. It could mean more fights! Plainly, people didn't use their legs. Around high school era that started to change, about the time that martial arts places started to open up, I think that there was a connection. Perhaps movies made an impact as well. Kicking became more prevalent. Still to this day it is kind of imprinted when I see someone kicking, like in that earlier video. The first reaction is wow, he kicked!