I awoke to several 'birthday wishes' (from my wife Karen, a call from my 86 year old mother, Facebook wishes, various emailed notes from the online forums I participate in...
and this special birthday wish from our daughter in Scotland, {especially touching words she wrote if you follow the link} -raised them right, we did!):
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Happy birthday, papa! I hope you have a wonderful day today.
For your birthday this year, I started a grove with Trees for Life,
a company that plants native trees in deforested areas of the Scottish Highlands.
I liked the thought that your love of trees and nature was the reason for intercontinental reforestation.
The link to your grove page is in the email below. Anyone who visits your page can add another tree to your grove for £5.
Please ask mama for a birthday hug from me! Love you lots, and can't wait to see you guys in May!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Trees For Life <
[email protected]>
Subject: Trees for Life - Patrick Wisniewski's Birthday Grove!
Date: 5 March 2013 11:44:11 GMT
To: Emma Wisniewski-Barker
Dear Emma,
Thank you for setting up your special Celebration Grove with Trees for Life, for your Dad's Birthday!
Your grove page is online and can be viewed under the following link:
You can always add trees to your grove by using the button "Make a donation to this grove" on the bottom of the page.
The trees for the established grove will be planted in the 2013 autumn planting season on Dundreggan, a 10,000 acre estate that we recently managed to purchase for forest restoration.
Your trees will be a native species grown from locally collected seed. Trees for Life plants Scots pine, willow, rowan, birch, hazel, alder, holly, aspen and bird cherry, and many others.
As your trees grow amongst the others we plant, they will help to transform bare hillsides into healthy young woodland, rich in wildlife. Once they reach seed-bearing age, natural regeneration will expand these trees into the forests of the future.
Thank you very much for all of your generous support to restore the Caledonian Forest in the Highlands of Scotland.
If you have any further questions or would like any alterations made to your grove page, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Have a great birthday with your Dad!
With our very best wishes and many thanks,
Emma Harrison,
Trees for Life - Restoring the Caledonian Forest
Tel: 0845 458 3505
Fax: 0845 458 3506
Help us plant aMillion More Trees
Trees for Life is a recognised Scottish Charity,
Number SC021303, and a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland,
whose registered office is at The Park, Findhorn Bay, Forres, Moray, Scotland, IV36 3TZ.
Our VAT registration number is 605 0796 49