The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

ha, after half a second of 'ick' when the blood SPRAYS out of that dudes head wound I laughed my ass of when jack black gets it in his face like three times. such hyperbole!
I just watched ben stiller get shot like 90 times. :D
Okay got a few minutes to watch the rest of the movie, funny, over the top, TONS of cameos (I think tom cruise's character is the best cameo), they put jennifer love hewitt in it for like 4 seconds, lots of explosion, half decent plot, LOTS of swearing, some gore but if you take it with the gist of the movie you will laugh at the hyperbole (wow, used that word twice today).

from 1 to 10 I would give it a 7.889755239 :D

The credits are funny as hell too, dont forget to stay till the credits are done.
This one looks good.

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I've been watching the entire Weeds and Dead Like Me series on NetFlix. Hell, I spent $120 on the entire Deadwood series, and they have it for free. El Crapo!
My Mom's cousin worked as a wrangler on Deadwood, managing the horses and other animals. His part of the family lived in Deadwood in the time period that show depicts.
Watched Valkyrie friday night (good movie) and saw the trailer for Gran Torino. Hoo rah. I still like watching Clint be grumpy and kick behind.
Deadwood was great, Weeds is is excellent, Mary Louise Parker is rippin hot.

Best series I've seen lately is Generation Kill. It's the closest I've ever seen TV or the movies get to the actual book it was based on. 0321s stuck in humvees driving through the middle of ambushes, and they still dominate.
I can't wait for the new season!

Anyone else besides me notice how T.V. has mostly gone to series shows ?
I don't think the series shows are anywhere near as good as a good movie.
My thinking is that it is cheaper for them to make a series than a good movie. Also, the series shows don't hire actual good actors, just recycles day time soap actors from show to show.
ta daaaaa.......
:D I think we have watched it about 5 times now between friends and family. Its so basic but its cute.
I've had two people tell me they heard that Wall e had a political message. It kind of highlights the political differences we have with the state we live in.

Justin do you like Tom Cruise? Its hard for me to be convinced he's playing anything other than Tom Cruise in his movies. I did like his cameo in Tropic Thunder.
ditto, it took me a couple minutes until I blurted out "thats Tom Cruise!" to the wife. She took a couple minutes more to understand it.

re the political content of Wall-E, I dunno, I didnt watch it from that type of angle. It is based on a small garbage compacting robot and a large spaceship of people that had to leave earth for a few years in order to let the robots like Wall-E clean up.
There are a couple messages in Wall E as I saw it.. reflecting our epoch and political direction.
Besides the fact it was great and cute as all get out.. Still watching it with the kids...
Evvvvvvvaaaaaaa ... I keep saying it to Katy.. LOL :D