The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

I wonder if they'll show him dippin' into his daddy's cocaine stash?...
I'm thinking this is gonna be worth seeing. A young Kirk and Spock...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Watched Wall-E the other day, good flick for the family oriented, I think there was 12 words in the whole movie, if that. :) then we watched ET the next night and I burned Happy Feet for tonight but we arent going to watch, maybe tomorrow.

I will be downloading Cape Fear shortly. I liked that Deniro flick.
Wall E was awesome.. Pixar is really something else. I too loved the less is more dialog. Got it for Thanksgiving and must have sat through it 3 times.. LOL Bet Bub liked it :)
we loved it... walleeeeeeeee.......
evaaaaaa.............ta daaaaaa.......

:) and the carpet cleaner robot, what a hoot. :)
Katy and I are still walkin around saying that to each other... Walllleeeee.. Evaaaaaaaaa LOL Then the boys chime in only sorta getting it... LOL
I'll have to use that one doing dishes or something tomorrow. We are sorta out of the diaper stage till JAN LMAO
no worries, the other site I use for torrents is and

a torrent works different than peer to peer download, it basically takes the number of users with a file and divides the file into that many bits, then downloads those bit simultaneuosly intoa file. a good lock on a file (movie) with 50 or more users can be an hour or less to DL.
We got Wall e too and the the whole family loved it. Very clever and kid friendly. I watched Kung Fu Panda today as I am home sick. That one was good but I think it would give Haley bad dreams at this point. I watched Tropic Thunder this weekend too. Its a hoot. Never go full retard.
They busted us on torrentz a couple times and shut off our net.. SO..... We either use legal like Net Flix... Or I go back to my old school WinMX (slower than torrentz) but works well with IP blocker ;)
My Provider... two warnings and they take it away and then I have to switch to SAT. And they are the ONLY provider for DSL up here. And most of dial up. No cable.
They get a list here for movie copy rights and if they get flagged... POW... Cut off. Big brother is watching. TG RIA ain't tagged me for music yet ;) Fines go with that. I think they do watch the bandwidth usage and then start looking for the violation.