The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

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Here's a better one.

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Any of you into the Entourage movie? Just saw it, liked a lot, it was as good as, and highly similar to, anyone of the good TV episodes. I think one of the themes was how Hollywood is a microcosm of regular life- the interplay between confidence and insecurity, honesty and scheming
Not for me really. Spy seems to be getting better reviews, Jason Statham sending himself up might be funny.

Just reading about Kingsman, supposed to be pretty good. Looks fun but it's a bit violent. There's a few trailers, don't watch the other ones if you're going to watch it. I only looked at this one.

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That Michael Douglas one looks good.
It's about time!

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I guess I'm the only one here who watches movies.

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Recently Terri and I went to the big screen in Ft. Bragg to watch San Andreas and Jurassic Park 3. in 3D. It was cool. first time in many years. The acoustics in the big screen theater today is awesome. Rattle your bones.
I guess I'm the only one here who watches tv.

True Detective-Season 2 started this week. You'll have to look up the trailer, I'm not watching it because I can't get it yet and don't want to spoil the start.

And this started on the 21st. Looks like it could be ok.

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I only watch 10 films, the goodfellas, big fish, the searchers, true grit (John Wayne version of course) the godfather 1 and 2
Iron man, and a couple of others. Everything else is rubbish.
omg , old yeller the book was brutal. Read it when I was little.

I watched true detective for the first time last week. thought it was ok but Colin Farrell was in an epic scene where he faces down his son's bully, super intense. Didn't think vince vaughn was a good dramatic actor though I think he's great in comedy.
You didn't watch season 1 Cory? If you didn't you missed some good stuff. Bit strange getting going but it just got you in. Season 2 will be a lot different but stick with it, I think it'll be top stuff and Vince Vaughn might end up surprising a lot of people.

Old Shep was about the only Elvis song I couldn't listen to.

Just in case you haven't heard about this one.

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