I was at the gas station going in to pay, When I walked up I noticed these two officers watching a woman who was smoking while pumping gas..
I saw her and thought, "Is she stupid?!! With the officers right there too?!"
As I was checking out, I heard someone screaming.. I looked outside and the woman's arm was on fire! She was swinging her arm in the air and running around going crazy!
I ran outside and the officers had put her on the ground and were putting the fire out with their coffees!! Yes, their coffees...Then they put handcuffs on her and threw her in the police car..
I was thinking "She shouldn't have been smoking near the pump while getting gas!" But being the nosy person that I am, I asked the officers what they were arresting her for..
The officer looked me dead in my eyes and said ... "WAVING A FIREARM!"