Thanks Stihl

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Ed L

Sep 28, 2007
Front seat on the struggle bus
So my 084 has developed an attitude...
Wants to kick back when starting. All is well with the choke on full, once it fires, flip the lever up a notch, yer screwed.
First check, flywheel key. Ummm nope, threads for the puller are unique (larger) for the 084, my puller won't work.
Off to the dealer tomorrow. BUT, they're new, supposed to have all the special tools, we shall find out. If not, I'll make my own (like I did for the other Stihls).

We are having trouble with our new Stihl saws as well. So much so John bought a throw away Echo recently. I don’t know the issues because he handles that end of the business, but to buy an Echo says a lot. 🧐
We run our saws all day, everyday and expect them to preform.
Our dealer keeps pushing the electric and the answer to that is NO.
Our dealer keeps pushing the electric and the answer to that is NO.
I run a t540ixp husky, its pretty sweet but $1100 for the kit (saw, 2 batteries, charger, bar, chain, tool and bag)
what issues have you been having with the newer stihl saws? ive got a 2 year old 194, year old 500i, and 6 month old 881, all 3 run great
Cordless tools are becoming more and more the go to. My son was bitching about the plan for electric cars. Moving too fast on that one for sure, but a good idea for the long term. I asked him when the last time he used a corded drill. Never, he said.
We are having trouble with our new Stihl saws as well. So much so John bought a throw away Echo recently. I don’t know the issues because he handles that end of the business, but to buy an Echo says a lot. 🧐
We run our saws all day, everyday and expect them to preform.
Our dealer keeps pushing the electric and the answer to that is NO.
Get a few Nutballed 2511’s less than half the price of a Stihl or a Husqy top handle. And practically half of the weight too. I’m still running the original one daily. Just sayin.
Get a few Nutballed 2511’s less than half the price of a Stihl or a Husqy top handle. And practically half of the weight too. I’m still running the original one daily. Just sayin.
quit talking, I cant afford another saw, I beg you
ahh, who cares what I can afford, I guess its time to go pick up a 2511
whats the deal on modding? im thinking of ordering one from ripsaw
Give our own Nutball a shot. I’ve been running one of his for four years or close to that. Bought a second not that long ago. For a “throwaway” they take a beating.
Nutball (nice s/n ;) ) solved a problem I was having with a 42" bar, I couldn't figure it out, he ciphered I had the wrong gauge chain for the bar, doh! problem solved:drink:
On that puller it could or might be M25 p1.5 .I used metric pipe banjo fittings to make them when they cost 30 bucks from Stihl .A double with M22 on one side and M25 on the other is about 12 bucks now .BTW The fittings were free and I made them at work ,perks of the job so to speak .:D
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About the only thing anyone can figure on this saw it the ignition "trigger" unit is jacked up. I'm told it was a common problem.
As usual the part is I called the oldest dealer around 40+ years in business.
Turns out the part was used on multiple saws, he had a parts saw with the upgraded part, 25 bux.
Will install tomorrow.

Speaking of 084 I had a hard kick back about ten years ago that damned near pulled my fingers off .I could predict the weather for about 2 years from that deal .I put a D-handle on it to tame it down a bit .Saying that on that recent takedown of a giant 100 foot cottonwood it fired right up .That old redwood slayer might last forever no more use than it gets . I'd hate to need to repair it because parts are about as pricey as a Rolls-Royce .
On the topic of 2511’s. IMHO probably my favorite top handle on the market when built. Never got to try a nutball one but I got an XS ported one from huskihl and I run a 12in 1/4 pitch bar with the wcs dogs and I all but forgot about a 201. Only a 12in bar but I’ll gladly rip down 14-16in wood with it in the tree. So light and a faster cut speed than I’ve ever seen come out of a 201. My first day running the saw I said I want another (just to have it and to admit I have a problem) 😉
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Thats an understatement
Just happy to get it fixed, the saw is in like new condition.

I came home form college one Friday in 83 and the damned thing was on the workbench sporting a 5', wtf, wtf?
Our small town was taking down a bunch of monster hard maples, dad took the "big" wood. He didn't want to pizz around cutting from both sides.

His solution to problem solving was throw money at it.
