Thank you Jerry B!


Jul 28, 2007
Gilmanton, N.H.
I know that our friend Gerry Beranek does not need any introduction to the members here at the Tree House, but I just wanted to say thank you again to my good friend Jer for everything that he has done for us and our industry over the years. Jerry has been so kind in answering my many questions about tree work over the years and has helped me learn so much about our great industry.

Back in the early 1990's, I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase Gerry's monumental Fundamentals book (with the dust jacket as well) from Bailey's Logging and I was just floored by how much he knew AND how much more that I needed to learn! Like I said, Gerry has always been so kind and willing to help people learn how to work and be safe in the trees, that I just wanted to once again say thank you to my good friend for being the kind of person that I strive to be.

Thanks Jer!
Many years ago, I think shortly after the publication, I felt compelled to send Jerry a note of thanks after purchasing his "Fundamentals". Such a great contribution to my interest in tree work, and the effort that went into the book was so apparent. Jerry kindly replied to my note. It wasn't just the methods he illustrated, it was also that someone would want to take the time to show his great respect for the trade, i thought that was ultra cool. Still compelling....
...add me...hoist one in Ger's honor. Climbing and Rigging a big Sugar Maple tomorrow...could not have got here safe without "Fundamentals"
Well said Chris... We probably all owe the guy so much. All the time, when I'm taking down conifers, I'm thinking, "How much have I learned that Gerry hasn't taught me?" Answer: almost zip.
That's why I joined the house to hear views ,opinions,facts from the greats like mr Beranek
hes like a rock star to me.
The guy literally wrote the book
I was suprised when he wanted to come visit me. He spent a few nights on my recliner, and he doesn't snore!
Jerry, such an honor to have you here! Honestly, such an honor. So glad you and Terry found each other, what a match made in heaven!
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Yeah, I know that everyone here, knows Jerry and Terri, and appreciate all that they have done for us in the tree care world, I just wanted to say thank you again to both of them for all their kindness and friendship.

Truly, salt of the earth people, and ones that I am happy to call my friends.
That's precisely part of the reason he's a ROCKSTAR!!