Wiley, your the first I have heard say that you touch I at all?
I must of got a good one. Once I figured out how to run it, it beats any 020/200 I've ever had in the cut.
You guys that are saying your dealers have T540 since last year and this year in US. Are you sure you are looking at the right saw?
Launch of all the new models for US market. 550XP now, T540 Oct. 1st 2012, 543XP Jan 2013
Good to hear they are demo ing that saw. Any news to its release?
I just read this post and hope the guy is right for you climber guys.
(I had mine = 201 modified just recently....massive improvement, different saw altogether. Having said that, I just had a stock husky 540 demo saw for the day....absolutely annihilates the Stihl. The king is dead....)
Excellent, and in line what Reg Coates said about the 540 as well--though it was a second hand report,...
Did Brad do your 201? A Wa. arborist had his done, he felt it simply got it up to the 200T's level with muff screen out.....Reg had Donny Walker do a similar job on his 201.....he now thinks it's good enough, but not massively faster.
I just read this post and hope the guy is right for you climber guys.
Boy is that thing dirty. Send it to me. Now!
Kevin did you run the demo saw?