Cheesehead Treehouser
So these stitched eyes seem to becoming more popular in climbing gear like split tails and lanyards and the like. If they are so good, why dont they make rigging slings with them?
Well Dave you are perfectly correct. They have their place, in my case the pulley saver and thimble saver. But I prefer hand spliced for my hitch cords and lanyards, for inspection just make a mark with a sharpie at the re-entry by the throat. If it starts to creep then stop using it, a well made splice never creeps. Been looking at the sterling tri-tech cord for a lanyard and that has to be stitched so maybe it ain't all that bad. Still think they are ugly though, sighhh.Pretty is as pretty does. They're strong as hell and easy to inspect. Certainly not good for everything but I'm glad they are out there.