Stand Up Paddling

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Yes you have to do it in major sunshine.

Mine looks a bit thinner than yours, made to be dunked regularly.

But yeah, they are good. I usually go out there with no sunglasses too, and have no problem.

Although for a derail, any of you have opinions or info on advisability of wearing sunglasses as relates to long term eye health?
Aight, so Kenny posted a packed response in the other thread, this is a bit of it:

All other animates in their form of locomotion (they) compress and massage internal organs by working largest body hinge
As a fish swims, birds wings flap,snake slithers, quads way of walking, apes climbing etc. all very intense stretchy compress of digestive area; every n step very purposeful.

Well A) that is very interesting, never knew or thought about that with animals, and

B)Hold on there, Kenny!!!! With every hard stroke on a paddle board, one's abs do a rather intense twist, or as you say above, a very intense stretchy compress of the digestive area.

It feels great and perhaps it helps the organs too in addition to being good ab exercise.

Went out today for 3 hours, it was f'g awesome. I shoulda been working paperwork and appts (but said F it), and conditions were marginal seeming but once out there, they were great. Virtually nobody on the entire Sound and paddled thru everything from 2-3' rollers to glass calm in a nearby harbor. Paddled over to another beach down the coast to check out extreme deposition of seaweed from last nite's Noreaster. The storm ripped all the heavy buoys from near shore and put them high on the beach.

Went into a nearby industrial harbor and closely checked out the gravel barging operation. S'all good on a SUP.
Inversion is good for your organs, too...they are most of the time subjected to downward pull of gravity...maybe you can learn to paddle upside down???:D
Medium size white, actually.

Cool pictures!

As much as I disapprove of bears and mountain lions, I'm cool with sharks.

Ever been on a surf board in the Pacific ocean and all of a sudden have a bunch of fish trying to get airborne around you?

That is when Great white shark thoughts get the better of you.
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Didn't get out till last weekend for first SUP of the season due to being too busy (crappy excuse), was wondering in the back of my mind 'is the Magic gone??' But nah, it is still totally awesome to be out there, went for about 1.5 hours, simply superb. Good workout and good freeing of the mind.

Hit the kayak this weekend with the pets just to give them a taste, was cool. Kayaks rock.
wow, seeing the previous posts reveals a creature of habit- Got out there for first time this season and it was freaking awesome. It's not like I saw a whale or sea turtle or maybe get towed by a shark lol, but wow its just great to be out there paddling, lots of peace and quiet, amazing weather, great exercise, good view down into the water seeing small baitfish etc. 3 hours and now my head is on straight for, hey, probably the rest of the day :rockhard:
Fantastic and fun core workout too, and legs. Kenny's linked post above sheds light on how/why it feels so good.
Maybe I should re name this thread Awesome Paddle Sports.

This looks mad cool, and dig the 'Greenland Paddle'. Inuits take note :/:
