Works for me Mr. C. Very nice to see you in here. Relish the advice too.... I'd never thought of the "closer to the corners/more lift," point.
Darn old-timers know everything.
Darn old-timers know everything.
Wedges should always be used as a backup,
Oh God, Sean, please don't go poking that bear again.
The depth of face as center of gravity shifter versus better leverage with a shallow face cut has been ridden around the arena a few times here.
Giddeup!Oh God, Sean, please don't go poking that bear again.
The depth of face as center of gravity shifter versus better leverage with a shallow face cut has been ridden around the arena a few times here.
. Pull a little more then use the wedges if you need em. Hope to God you get all that right... roll camera!
If the back cut has opened that far the tree is moving and you're probably not pulling as hard anymore.
If the back cut has opened that far the tree is moving and you're probably not pulling as hard anymore.
You are right in that cautionary, Squish, there is no back up plan. I do encounter some worry sometimes, not too proud to admit it. If the line did snap, and something else prevented the tree setting back hard, that would indeed be worth something to me, or likely a lot given many circumstances. I'm going to re-evaluate the system, thanks.
I took all the wedges out of my truck when I used it for snow plowing last winter.. Forgot to put them back in and so far this year only missed them a couple times... good pics and tips ... be a long time before I use them though... just goes to show how different this work can be depending on location, topography, size and species of trees, clients' needs, landscape and fixtures etc..
The only reason I brought all this old stuff up again is that I've often left a stob without a rope in it that was back-leaning, because I was too lazy to go down with the bucket, or whatever. That's when I get into stacking three wedges like an idiot. That's the reason I was asking you guys about shims. I'll go over to Work Pictures and ask Stig about his shims on his Golf Course trees.