As said earlier in this thread I rarely apply the angles on the boxes set by mfg.What Magnus was saying was all cutters on a loop of chain don't have to be sharpened to the same size.
If only several cutters get rocked out badly you don't need to sharpen all the cutters down to the same size as the damaged ones are after sharpening.
And yes Magnus's cutters are all sharpened to the angles as the box specifies. ...only the length of the cutters top plates don't all have to be equal.
Length of a cutter or angle on it is not very important until it can cut.
Lets say you have 20 cutters on a chain. You hit a nail and one tooth is hurt worse than the others.
If you grind and want all cutters uniformed you set the grinder after this damaged tooth. If needed you run chain two or three times in grinder. Then you check your riders and if needed adjust them.
If you file you file each tooth as much as needed to get it sharp. If it is sharp it can cut. Rider is set for this tooth or left high and this tooth tag along until next filing of riders on the other cutters.
I tried to explain earlier how to learn and see how this works and the way's you can see it practically.
There is a lot to learn and test...