Sharpening Rayco super teeth.

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Nov 4, 2013
South West France
As some may remember I recently purchased a Rayco RG35 to replace the RG25 super junior.
Very pleased I am with it too.
Now the old Junior had finger teeth so when they went off, broke, or fell out of sloppy pockets it was no big deal, two or three quid each.
I had bought a sharpening wheel, the sort of thing you put on an angle grinder, I tried it on the finger teeth but gave up quickly. Not worth the effort.
The Super teeth however are more expensive so I was wondering if anyone sharpened theirs to good effect with this wheel and if they had any tips.
Thanks in advance,
I've got a couple hundred pounds (90.7kg) of super teeth waiting for somebody's wheel. I'll probably try some of those folks who advertise sharpening in the Tree Trader magazine, or similar publication. I did try sharpening once back in the day, not worth it imo.
You are basically grinding a new edge and relief angle on the tooth. Use a standard rock to cut back the steel, and a green or diamond stoke to cut the carbide. Make it look like a (shorter) new tooth, basically. Don't breathe the grinding dust from a green wheel.

Your best bet is to ditch the Super Teeth and get Green Teeth.
Pity you both aren't a bit closer. I bought a tooth sharpening set up a few years back, it's done two teeth. Works well but I never got the sharpening plan going, and I got a super deal on teeth just after I bought it.

If that's a green wheel Mike, be careful or just throw it away.
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I've got a couple hundred pounds (90.7kg) of super teeth waiting for somebody's wheel. I'll probably try some of those folks who advertise sharpening in the Tree Trader magazine, or similar publication. I did try sharpening once back in the day, not worth it imo.

That's what I felt, it was bloody hard work trying to get an edge on the old teeth. I'll try a professional sharpening company. I have one near me that do the chipper blades, I'll see what they think.
I'll use the set and the spares they gave me before I think about green teeth Carl.
Is the cutting performance significantly better?
Green wheel? What do you mean Steve?
Green teeth cut better, last longer, are easier to change, and cheaper per hour than Super Teeth. Super Teeth really suck... I started using them 16 years ago, replaced them with Green Teeth ~6-8 years ago and tried a Revolution wheel after that. Using Greens on my 7015TRX now, don't think I'll change until the wheel wears out, and even then I'm not sure I wohldnt keep running them.
Green wheel is the green colored silicon as opposed to usually aluminum oxide for steel. Aluminum oxide doesn't grind carbide and vice versa. The dust, both from the carbide and the silicon is a health hazard. Some advise to grind up and down on the tooth, not across it, and delicate on the edge.
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Actually one more thing, I notice that the super teeth are set at different depths so the holes that accommodate the teeth are not at the same point in the radius if you get my point, would new green teeth fit straight on or would I have to change the wheel? (major PITA)
Pretty well all (excluding the huge grinders) systems that use 2 bolts to attach it to the wheel will interchange.... industry standard.
Are there a lot of rocks down there where you grind, Carl. One good thing about ST is they are unbreakable, on an RG 50 at least.
No rock, just gravel here and there. On our RG85 we have broke the end of the tooth clean off. More common on both machines was to break the carbide, which all can do.

With Green Teeth, I run the red (concave/more aggressive) teeth. I haven't broken a pocket... every now and then I'll break a bolt, but that's pretty rare as well. The pockets will wear out and have to be replaced, my oldest pockets have ~130 hours on them... As they wear thin I replace them individually. From time to time a tooth will work loose and hammer the pocket, ruining it.
With Green Teeth, I run the red (concave/more aggressive) teeth. I haven't broken a pocket... every now and then I'll break a bolt, but that's pretty rare as well. The pockets will wear out and have to be replaced, my oldest pockets have ~130 hours on them... As they wear thin I replace them individually. From time to time a tooth will work loose and hammer the pocket, ruining it.

Sounds like they wear about the same as Yellow Jackets and have similar issues.
Green wheel? What do you mean Steve?

Jay already explained but silicon carbide dust is bad stuff.

I got diamond wheels after using one, the dust gets everywhere. And I use a good mask with the diamond wheels even though they reckon you don't need to.

Tungsten carbide has just as many nasties in it, so even if you grind with a diamond wheel you don't want to breathe in the grinding dust.