My son is a firefighter...all FF's around here are EMT, minimum...some are paramedic. Fire engines respond to all, car crashes, floods, missing children/old folks...there is a lot more to being a FF than just putting out fires.
And they don't make a lot of money...they ARE some very cool guys. I think they are heroes, all of them. They show up when folks are having very bad days and try to help...some of the calls they work are nuisance calls...sorry folks that just want a ride to the ER for a cold, drunks that are asleep on the sidewalk and look dead...nut stuff. But some of the calls are way bad. Alex responded to a call recently that involved an infant that died from an illness that most of us consider a nuisance...the parents just didn't realize the symptoms they were seeing were as bad as they were.
AND...uh-oh...he does side jobs to make extra money...buys trailers off Craiglist and cleans/fixes/ them and resells them, does electrical work with his father-in-law. And helps me do treework (one of MY sidejobs...not my career). He has done some of the climbing lately.
Not too many FF's I know have the luxury of having just one career...lots of them do sidework to make ends meet. So, there's some info for your edification.