Rope bag project...

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frans--not a rope man in trees--but--the reason no other one has made these bags--because theyve been making them that way for years--and no complaints--ya know--uh huh---mainly they dont want to change their ways--unlike our friend on this forum----ya--innovation--

Huh! :? Your post defies my ability to interpet what the hell you are saying.
Care to elaborate?


One item I have noticed about the bags is the stitching, it is even, not sloppy at all.
They stand up on their own, have a great closing top, the fabric is stout, dont know what else to say.

The bags seem great to me, I have already contacted a friend who wants one.
So HC, get it together and send me my order!, Right away! :)
I need the whole order so I have enough to send a sample to several people who are interested.
The picture is of Kimba our new boarder collie puppy who is a genious at destroying things. She did not do any damage after 3 minutes of chewing. That says ALOT believe me.
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Huh! :? Your post defies my ability to interpet what the hell you are saying.
Care to elaborate?

I think he is saying he is not a 'rope-man in the trees'...that the regular producers are stuck in the mode of "this is how we have always done it"...that HC is being an innovator to meet a niche market...YA!:)
In a side by side comparison of the mesh on the Buckinham bags and the HC bags, I noticed the following differences:

The Buck. bags seem to be a smaller mesh at first glance. But the HC bags have a small thread that bisects the mesh opening.
Both mesh(es) are of the apparently same diameter thread.
I have a small rip in one of my Buck bags, so I will wait and see if it gets any bigger before applying some Shoe Goo or some other product.
If I get a rip in the HC bag I will do the same to see if both mesh(es) are of equal or different strengths.
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Glad to hear the 2nd bag found your house! I haven't seen the buckingham bags mesh to know what they are using. If you ,(or anyone), could take a clear close up pic of its mesh, I would be greatfull. Just like to know what material they use!

To all,

The person who I have making the bags for me, ("The bag Lady"), is a retired nurse & loves to sew. She works full time at a place that makes shock covers for ATV & snow machines. She plans on giving that up sometime next year & only make rope bags to fullfill her love of sewing.

She had asked me if I'm getting enough bag orders to make it worth her wile to quit her full time job & work full time for me! As tempting as that was, I said it would be foolish to quit any job with a steady income just to take a chance that another venture might be better.

I will not be responsable for someone giving up a steady job just to fullfill me needs! Its just not right IMO. Now on the other hand, I do see this bag thing taking off! Problem is, I'm not a bisness man, just an idea man trying to become a bisness man! So if you guys have any ideas or suggestions, well, I'm all ears!!!

To hire other sewers means the price of the bags will go up. I don't want to do that. After all, its just a rope bag.

This bag making thing started off and then took off! Its suposed to be fun and as long as everyone know that there will be a bit of a wait in getting the bags they ordered, its still pressure on "The Bag Lady"! I can only make about 2 to 3 bags per week. As of today, there are about 30 bags on order so any new bag orders will not be ready untill the new year. BTW, its first come first serve regardless if you are ordering 1 or 10, its only fair this way!

Now you know my situation. I welcome your thoughts, comments, advice, (good & bad), and of course you bag orders!

Thank you everyone.:notworthy:

Bob (HC)
here are two pictures of the mesh detail in those bags.
The first is green. That is the Buckinham bag.
Second is Blue. That is HC's bag.

I did'nt even know that my camara could take such close close ups. The camara can see better than me!
I guess it really does pay to read the instructions....
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HCs mesh looks cooler!!!

Tell the bag lady to hold tight. It seems your bags are VERY good and won't need to be replaced often. I imagine your sales will eventually (but hopefully not) taper off. I'd hate for that to happen a month after the bag lady quit her old job!

I can start making some for ya!


Thanks for the pics! I don't recognize that green material that buckingham uses. I don't think its a common material one would find in a fabric shop! Nither is the material that I use...& I'm not saying what it is either!!! I was told that its stronger that a material called phifertex. Phifertex will rip at 90lbs pull. My supplier said that the stuff I use is much stronger than the Phifertex mesh & will need more that 100lbs force to rip!
The mesh I use is the strongest & lightest material I could find. Time will tell how it holds up over time.


Was at "The Bag Lady"s house today to figure out a way to get more bags made faster. Her prep time is time consuming and keeps her away from the sewing machine. Next week, I'll be cutting the fabric to size as well as cutting & melting the webbing and whatever I can do to allow the Bag Lady more time at her machine! Instead of 2-3 bags per week...I hope to increase to 3-5 pags per week! I'll know better in a month after trying it this way.

The Bag Lady will be quitting her day job sometime next summer (as she had planed), then she'll be making bags full time for me as the orders come in.

I do thank you for your kind offer to make some bag & may take you up on your offer in the future. Sewing it is one thing but the technique is everything. Its an involved process with no room for mistakes.

The other thing is you would have to have a heavy duty machine to push a needle through the fabric with nylon thread. It must have a walking foot cuz its imposable to attach the webbing without it!

We'll talk more about this if I become swamped with to many orders! Thanks again for your offer. HC

I sent you a PM.

Let me know. HC
frans--pantheraba read it right--hc is a innovator!!!!!!
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frans--pantheraba read it right--hc is a innovator!!!!!!

I agree, HC is doing fine work. However, he may find out that to make a high quality custom product is more expensive than the average tree guy will stomach.
Thats why products are made overseas.
Just glad folks here like the bags! :) HC
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I have two bags ready in hand right now & I'll have another 5 bags ready this Sunday.

As mentioned before, first come first served. This bunch of bags will be going out as follows:

-RiverRat, &

Next batch of bags bags are promised to:

-SOTC, &
-Cannuck, in that order!

After that, I'll be starting the Mesh bags.

...I'm getting there...slow yes but I'm getting there! HC

HC, I still want one. Money is tight right at the moment. Dont send until you have my money.
HC, my order is going in (for my bro KMS, for Christmas or some darned thing)... P.M. coming your way.
Cheers !
PM recieved & one sent back to you!;)
SOTC (Willie), I sent you a PM !;)


I'm working on your Mesh Bags at this time. I ran out of fabric to make the solid bags so more was ordered Monday.

(Squisher & Canuk are next on the list)!

Glad the package found you. Keep in mind that that bag was a prototype bag & NOT a production bag! The production ones are nicer IMHO. I do hope Malika likes it & gets many years of dependable service! HC
Bodean, what the HECK is malika gonna do with one of those bags?
I would be very very nervous if I was you...
Frans, your absolutly right...she might want anohter one! HC ;)
hc--what a bag!!!!!!!!!!! got mine today--thanks----immediately went to shop--and put rope in bag--and burned cardboard box!!!!!! theres 100 foot of 1 in dia soft nylon rope--with hooks on each end in there--cant quite close bag--but its ok---as this rope is used to pull trees over----wonderful!!!!!!!!!
Forgot to mention, Check went out Tuesday.

Thanks again.
-- -----------------------------------------------------

Was recieved today & Thank You Sir!;)