Root Barriers

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What type did you use? Why (sidewalk/ septic/ foundation)? How was the job priced?

Around here, sometimes septic drain fields run in forests next to the house.
I've used it a bunch around here. Do you plan on using it for bamboo?

I prefer the bio barrier. It's WAY easier to use.

We AirSpade the trench then slide in the barrier. Being easily sliced, it's easy to work around rocks and pipes and stuff.

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  • #8
Nick, mostly general knowledge.

I had to wreck a dead trees the other day. Keeping some small cedars at the edge of the planting bad was up for debate. I mentioned that they weren't very big now, or fast growing, but they were definitely close to the drain field. I see that kind of thing all the time.

How deep are you going, Nick? How long will the biobarrier work?

I wonder if its possibly to use around septic. Its water permeable, and a lot of that drain field water should drain vertically, ideally, right?
The septic stuff I don't know about.

We tend to focus our work in the top 12", occasionally going to 18" but rarely any deeper than that. The tree really dictates it- based on where it's roots are. I also think that for the MOST part, the roots causing the damage are in that top 18" and USUALLY, roots 2 ft down aren't the big ones causing the damage. Of course, it's site and species dependent. If we're talking about ficus trees, all bets are off!