Not a trick, 'a point(s) of scaled balance'; a triad of input/output/machine pivot.
Picture at full potential, w/o friction, could use as scale of unknown weight to known.
>>just like was fixed overhead pulley, 1:1 legs evenly pulled then to balance
>>anchor 1 leg and now make pulley position adjustable and if can pull down with 10#, top resistance is 20# etc.(hair less actually)
Points of balance of triad, no cheating/all accounted for; not > not < but, VERY uniquely and cross verifiably = ; is our gameboard.
Rolling levers;
Class_1: If input/output in opposite directions, machine pivot must be between
Class_2: Input/output in same directions, machine pivot on 1 end, closest to load, concentrating force density into smaller distance(2:1 etc.)
Class_3: Input/output in same directions, machine pivot on 1 end, closest to input, diluting force density over longer distance (1:2 etc.)
note how written also defines more familiar rigid lever classes of same input/output/machine pivot triad relationships.
Translating these to same 'electrical schematic' of cross comparison allowed to share lessons between both bodies of experience to the other, and even cross verify so etc., in one to verify in the other, to give more weight to both as larger body of knowledge and dimension(not just single dimension of vertical, unverified pile in 1 only).
Confidently enough to take 2/1 over own self of DdRT/dumbwaiter lessons, reverse to load lifting/line pre-tightening with bodyweight + 2/1 effort
>>then translate for immediate usage and exploration from flexible to then rigid frameworks:
(my late buddy would call these 'exactly the same, but different')
always visualizing the pivot as between the input outputs of opposing directions.
If lean all weight on r.hand blue glove, and pull up on l.hand red glove
>>blue glove force autonomously increases from bodyweight to bodyweight + red glove effort
Mid pivot is class_1, use it to capture input effort + equal but opposite direction of effort
>>to now fold that quantity back against target/not let run away.
If stand on scale and way 100#, pull up on red glove, makes you heavier on scale
>>unless short circuit force flow to blue glove instead
>>if pick up on red, while holding at blue, and still weigh same on scale, have 2/1
>>if scale drops to 50#, have 2/1 + 50 (i think of this as a martial arts framework of efficiency taking standard theories and invert against their own selves to show counter intuitively theory continues even around that curve, and even stronger as they do w/Chinese Windlass wonder)
>>just as if scale goes to Zer0 on scale then 2/1 + 100# bodyweight.
1 part of system can hold load at bay, as other impacts(bodyweight or effort input quantity), or both can impact, or 1 can impact to initiate movement and other input part as follow thru
>>the 2part input system itself, offers things single/mono input system simply can't simply !
In all things status of Zer0, mono or multi matters.
Everything displaces against it's non, here this is distance(thus velocity) for power over same unit of time.
>>distance is free travel expressed
>>force is opposite of free travel restricted.
Total static power volume is Force x Distance, to same total sum as fixed input
>>so FxD are reciprocals of each other to the same sum
>>can increase 1 only at the cost of the other >> to the same total finite input sum
But, every conversion has a tax against the whole input sum
>>with rope friction on arc, this tax is exponentially compounding(capstan theory)
>>soon outrunning to seizing against any compounding of force compressed to denser inside of smaller, tighter distance/container.
Smaller, denser volume packed inside reduced distance container just as if putting same tension volume into smaller diameter footprint rope, to cut into skin harder when carrying; or as friction hitch to grab host harder; is all the same, i swear.
Mes Amigos, i only keep saying as this is how all stuff works; and treewerk one way that shows most cleanly, rawly, at such magnification to view and even feel. Once firmly sift out to see the same illusive 'ghost' form, as goes from setup to setup as most pivotal player; can say 'i see you now'; and know to look for /sift you out from everywhere. In electronics, that is a schematic form, no matter how skinned over. Like for automotive to make a Cougar from Tbird, racers call the body skin. Switch skin is same frame, motor, trans etc. Same functional schematic skinned over differently, just as above rope, lever mechanics. MUCH, much, much less to know to command all more fully, once align to finding the pivotal few real working principles in scenario, and all lessons cross verify each other to greater as go; giving both greater depth and dimension, i still invite.
is ok, can come out; crazy midget rant over (fer now.. )