9/16 rigging line on a big drop and catch
9/16 rigging in a heavy pull situation, failed...apparently rope was mis used.......some jack ass pulled a truck out of a ditch with it and put it back in the rigging, they didnt use a porty
side loaded a block 5/8 failed, broke several 5/8 slings
but thats it, over 20 yrs thats not bad, i way overused my rigging in c city awhile back, turned my 5/8 into about 1/2 inch when it was loaded
now my rigging is bigger and placed real nice
9/16 rigging in a heavy pull situation, failed...apparently rope was mis used.......some jack ass pulled a truck out of a ditch with it and put it back in the rigging, they didnt use a porty
side loaded a block 5/8 failed, broke several 5/8 slings
but thats it, over 20 yrs thats not bad, i way overused my rigging in c city awhile back, turned my 5/8 into about 1/2 inch when it was loaded
now my rigging is bigger and placed real nice