Raising Rabbits


Captain Zero!
Dec 8, 2013
North Central Montana, bloody cold!
Started this deal a while ago. I might have mentioned that I would not mind raising rabbits for meat and hides.

They jumped in with both feet. I guess they know that they are not gonna have to do the dirty work!


Had to build bigger hutches so the does can raise the babies.


One doe has 5 young ones


Our three does...all are bred


Richard boy spending time with his buck


Kids in thier natural habitat


Wife transfering a bred doe to her new hutch.


All this has me feeling a bit hillbilly. Too late now I guess.
My dad did that, rigged up a cool system for flushing the turds. Rabbits make a lotta turds!

I never liked the slaughtering part...
About 30 years ago someone tried to revive 4H around here. It went well until the "How to kill a rabbit" demo. They didn't actually kill it, but that was the end of 4H.
Keeping rabbits is very common here amongst the older generation, post war it was a good and cheap source of protein.
Made a change from chicken as well I guess.
Many houses have discarded concrete hutches round the back.

When civilisation collapses I guess we’ll all have to learn that stuff again.
I'd like to try rabbit meat.
Sportsman's club here does a game dinner every year, but the couple times I went there wasn't rabbit on the menu.

They are cute little fellas.
I like the idea of it but I don't think I'd like the killing part. I bet I'd like the eating part though.

Good stuff Jim.
We had rabbits as pets for a few years. Kids lost interest quickly and I ended up doing all of the feeding/cleaning up. I gave them away to a customer a few years ago.
“All this has me feeling a bit hillbilly.”

Unless you have a meth lab out back you have nothing to worry about.
I had one when I was 10 or so, a dwarf rabbit. The ammount of poop they made was insane, ended up giving it back to the pet store.
They are, excuse the pun, dead easy to kill.

Why do you think it is called a rabbit chop.

Hell, even a vegetarian can do it.
But mortality is high till you work out all the kinks.

I would imagine the mortality would be high after you sort out the kinks too!!!! :lol: I used to hunt rabbits all the time, absolutely delicious in my opinion. They are cute, but are really easy to skin and are tasty so.... Cool family project Jim!!
Farmed rabbits taste a lot different to wild ones, like everything I suppose.

I have tried farmed ones but rabbit doesn't appeal to me anymore. Ate a lot as a kid and lived on them when I was camped out bush and working, work all day then shoot a rabbit for dinner. I've had them just about any way you can think of.
There's always one.#-o

It was hard and lonely working out there.

A bit of Aussie history about rabbits, from 24 to billions in not very long. https://www.thoughtco.com/feral-rabbits-in-australia-1434350

They kept a lot of people from starving during The Depression though.

Miles of these stone walls down south to try and stop them, didn't always work but interesting to see.

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