Preffered method of getting rid of wood

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If I chose to ,which I don't,I could most likely fill my two acre field full of wood from the trimmers .

A few of them are getting smart and splitting their better wood,hickory, oak etc .for salable firewood . At 180 bucks a cord and them likely to amass 50 to 100 cords that amount of money could mean a lot during the lean winter times in this area of the country .

We don't have an inversion problem. All our smoke ,acid rain etc goes north to Ontario and kills the maple trees .All their geese fly south and poop in our yards .A fair trade I suppose .
LA is very dirty. I am perpetually congested and I think I am developing wussy allergies due to the smog.


I have been allergic to wussies since childhood so I just avoid them. No big deal-wussies are generally useless anyway.
we get the inversion thing here at times, see the smog layer, see the cloud layer, suffer with the yucky air layer :(
Antone ever Demo one of those towable Vermeer horizaontal would be helpful getting rid of chunks..
I saw one in action. It was kinda joke IMO. For brush the conveyor would not pull it into the cutting area. The guy kept having to mess with it. It's not like you can drop it in and walk away, gotta babysit. I can't see it doing any big wood. Maybe only up to 8". It did make nice mulch though!
Figured so. It's only the size of a BC1000xl, pretty compact. It made some nice mulch, and I'm pretty sure it colored it too for you Red mulch people.
I sometimes dump chips in my walnut orchard, but mostly I dump at a place where the wood, brush or whatever is ground up and sold as bedding for dairy cows. I will make firewood out of any oak, almond, euc, locust or olive. My pickup is full of pine right now that is already cut up and I will give it to my neighbor who's church will give it away.
Okay, this has gone on long enough. I SELL my wood to a local firewood dealer who PICKS IT UP on site with his Knuckleloader and PAYS me for it.
You may all now wallow in a misery of consuming jealousy.
1khp tub grinder


The smallest grinder, a little horizonal unit:

The second tub grinder wasn't in the yard when I was there Friday.
Yeah-he'll accept any species and add it to his mix. The only thing he doesn't accept is rotten or burnt wood.
You know burning wood can't be much worse than those giant grinders sucking down 10 gallons of fuel for every hundred yards of mulch produced. Now with fuel so outrageous they are going to skyrocket the grinding fees.
$68 per metric ton here now at the civic dump, $48 at the green waste place 5 minutes from home.
My competition stacks his logs for a year then has a tub grinder come in . Of course the hardwood logs get cut up for firewood. I wish I had that much room. Maybe someday.
The local dump back in Maryland would let you dump for free for two reasons.

One... They like you.

Two... They think its not commercial waste.

Three... They like you.

Maybe LJ has the first or last qualifier locked down. ...or they don't realize he's running a business.
Neither, it's not the local dump. The local dump charges 18 a ton.

The ground wood is sold for boiler fuel.

There's no way they could mistake the amount of wood or the equipment I dump it out of.

At work we have wood yard where it's stage before transport to green energy,

Side jobs goes 14/truck of whatever for compost.
No palm it's as garbage.
Van Wert Ohio has the most progressive thinking city council I know of .

They have a recycle center that takes anything recyclable,appliances ,scrap metal ,tree trimmings you name it ,they take it .Including things considered to be a hazard such as paints etc . old tires .

A person can dump a load of brush,no charge and pick up a load of mulch,no charge . Since it has opened the amount of stuff dropped by the side of the road has decreased substanually because the people have a place to take it to that doesn't charge an arm and a leg .

One end of the road I live on is kind of of desolate.You can't imagine the stuff people dump in the middle of the night .Brush,old furniture ,tires .The county has to come out about every two months and pick it up . Just the other night I noticed ,in a farmers corn field some SOB dumped a whole chip box full of grindings .:what: