Powerline and Highballs

dyna glide is great but it birdnests in my cube,
doug at bishop told me that dyna glide will roll up on the chalk line rolllers that they sell at home depot
they are some little wind up deal...my 200 ft er keeps nesting and i cut it in half in anger the other day
no home depot here so i gotta go online and look,
My feedback on the highball is that Sherrill promised it would hit the market on may first, so I ordered a few to take on my Sequoia trip.

Haven't seen hair nor hide of then yet:X

I like Dynaglide for low range shooting. It is too thick/heavy for those high shots.

Also it's high tensile strength means one can use it to pull small trees over by hand.
I really like that application.
Wesspur's site is confusing as it lists Dynaglide as 1.8mm on the throwline page, and lists it as 2mm on the throwline kit page. At 1000# tensile, I got some for pulling small trees (as Stig mentioned), for pulling hangers, and for shaking pecan trees for my uncle. :lol:
So, is Dynaglide just another brand of Zing-It? I notice the sizes are the same.

No, dynaglide is nothing like zing it, and it's not even the same diameter really, as the dynaglide is flat and wide.

Once the coating has worn off it's next to useless.
So what line do you prefer, Peter? I haven't used my Dynaglide enough to wear the coating off yet, as Zing-It is my primary throwline.
Zing-It 1.75 mm.

There was another line around briefly over here, a round section line rather fatter than Zing-It, made by Liros I think that was supposed to be the mutts, but I can't find it for sale anywhere.
I go with Stig But I have not worn my dynaglide coating off yet so dont know what its like when worn. But it needs a bigger throw bag to to pull it thru a tree IMO.
Dynaglide is the shit. Only for guys who understand that gear wears out. It flys like silly string on turbo. The downside is, when the coating wears, the bag will probably not come down.
For sure, if you are accurate with your throws you will see over 100 line sets. Grownups can hit 75' all day long, so there you go.
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Can anybody compare and contrast the Zing-it, Fling-it, and Dynaglide? I'm in the market for new throwline. I have some of the first or second, but I don't know which. Mine is getting frayed more than having trouble getting it down. I could probably get some more height and like it. Maybe Dynaglide is for the higher shots, and the others more day to day???
I'm willing to give up a little bit of height in exchange for a more durable line that's also easier to handle. I liked the 1.75 Zing It but it cut my hands when pulling the rope through and I was only getting 6-9 months out of it before it would begin to birdsnest on me like crazy. Been using the 2.2 Zing It for years. It is easier to handle, lasts a lot longer before getting limp enough to birdsnest and I can only shoot it 100' high instead of 120' with the 1.75.
Sean, read my earlier post. As much as it may hurt I have more time in grade. Dynaglide is the ticket for hand throwing as well as out of a Bigshot.
It wears much faster than Zing-it. Fling-it is nothing more than a weak attempt at an entry.

The big downside to Dynaglide is if your throwball skills are lacking, then it is not for the apprentice. Again, basic skill with the throwball is key to achieving production.
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Thanks Wiley.

I don't understand what you mean by "As much as it may hurt I have more time in grade".
It was a nice way of saying you are still damp. Or more to the point, there are folks here who have forgotten more than you know. You are on the right track maybe, just don't let your ass get too far ahead of your brain.:evil:
The best thing about Dynaglide for me was the color. I don't pull small trees over, but I like that it's strong.

I didn't like that it took 14-16 oz to drop on what would otherwise take 10 oz. You mean it gets worse when it wears out?! Wow, I only used it for an hour before I got rid of it.

As for the tangle factor, it's probably only 2nd as an exercise in frustration, after Fling-It. I also switched to the 2.2 Zing-it cuz it's less finicky than the 1.75. Seems no one carries that in red anymore.
Dynaglide is the shit. Only for guys who understand that gear wears out. It flys like silly string on turbo. The downside is, when the coating wears, the bag will probably not come down.
For sure, if you are accurate with your throws you will see over 100 line sets. Grownups can hit 75' all day long, so there you go.

So you are happy to replace your throwline after every 100 trees?

My zingit lasts 1000s of trees.

I guess if you don't use the throwline that often it wouldn't matter too much, but for a regular user it doesn't make sense. Its a bit like buying a Poulan saw, its great until it breaks, after the first 100 trees, because then you can just replace it. Why not buy the right gear in the first place?
So you are happy to replace your throwline after every 100 trees?

My zingit lasts 1000s of trees.

I guess if you don't use the throwline that often it wouldn't matter too much, but for a regular user it doesn't make sense. Its a bit like buying a Poulan saw, its great until it breaks, after the first 100 trees, because then you can just replace it. Why not buy the right gear in the first place?
!000's? Kind of tight hey? I switched from Zing-it for the high shots several years ago. I would spend a few bucks to make a few hundred every shot. But to each his own. Though I would say 1000's of trees on the same throwline is BS.