Pole Climbing Comps Here in the US?


Jul 28, 2007
Gilmanton, N.H.
I found this neat little site from Ian Flatters over on Arbtalk. It is about pole climbing competitions over in the UK. The difference between theirs and ours here in the States, is that they are only timed on the ascent and not the crazy descent that we see here.

This is due to the high injury rate that we see here while kicking out and dropping 30' at a time and also due to insurance purposes over there. Any thoughts?

Chris, does that sleeve on the lanyard make for a better grip on the pole? It looks like made from rubber?
A guy that used to hold my position at Parks was a pole climber. He was evidently very good, up until he blew out his knee. Not fun. I am not positive that it was on a descent, but think that it was.
A safety line? Really? That takes all the scary outta it - absolutely no fear involved. Were there any female competitors?
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I always thought that the fast descents in the comps was stupid and a good way to get really hurt.

I know that the old time high climbers used to throw their hats in the air after topping a spar tree and then try to beat it down to the ground, but in today's day and age of competition, I just see it as a good way to suffer a career ending injury by also timing the descents.
These guys are crazy fast. It would take me one good minute just for the small test run !:D

Did you saw when one broke a spike in the middle of the climb? No worries, he ended the climb with only one leg :lol:
hat down man !:notworthy:
...and men also.
I did one in Wales...just to 'try it out'...flip me it's a long way up!
Pic somewhere, anyone want to see it?
Ok, here they are...2004 in North Wales.
We went to a lumber yard where the poles were set up for a fair the next week...the guys I was with also practiced their woodchopping....NOT something I wanted to try!

Guy going to set the belay
Me halfway...puff puff!
Me at top...finally!


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