poor man's pantin
Sometimes I get out to the tree, hooked up, and then realize I left the pantin in the truck...if its too much bother to go get it, here is an alternative:
make a half hitch in your rope and put it over your foot so the ground facing end is closest to your leg, and inside your ankle (where your pantin would go)...lock the rope by pointing your toe downwards and stand up, point your toe up and the rope unlocks, slide your foot up, point toe down, lock the rope, and carry on! You need the same upright technique as using a real pantin to keep the rope properly locked on the push down. I find it a bit easier on the old knees than the regular footlock.
I learned this from Moss over at AS, tried it out on a rec climb in Boston..., so simple and it works, the picture is of just getting the half hitch in place...the toe point lock thing takes a few moments to get used to.