Paul B
I dig hammocks.
Not sure if anyone else gets daily deal type emails etc but I made my first purchase from one today. I bought 2 $12 vouchers for $30 (each) of food/drink credit at a local pub, with my $5 credit for joining the site it cost me $19, not too shabby and I have till mid June of next year to use them.
I also get periodic emails/deals/coupons from Domino's Pizza, Livingsocial and Groupon (the company that just refused a $6 billion dollar buyout offer from Google).
Even if you don't join, try having a look at your local city and the deals offered, most are in the 40 to 60% off range.
I (we) also signed up to a couple coupon / sample websites too, the most generous has been Proctor and Gamble. I havent bought a new razor in a couple years, they keep sending me the latest one every 6 months or so, same for my wife and Ayden
Its a matter of how many email addresses you have and changing a letter or two in your address so they doont pick up on the multiple person per household deal
I also get periodic emails/deals/coupons from Domino's Pizza, Livingsocial and Groupon (the company that just refused a $6 billion dollar buyout offer from Google).
Even if you don't join, try having a look at your local city and the deals offered, most are in the 40 to 60% off range.
I (we) also signed up to a couple coupon / sample websites too, the most generous has been Proctor and Gamble. I havent bought a new razor in a couple years, they keep sending me the latest one every 6 months or so, same for my wife and Ayden