oil dependence

  • Thread starter Thread starter gf beranek
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Funny guy.

Politicians are one thing, and the common people that feel compelled to keep their engines running while they wait in line at the post office, and thus insure a comfortably warm or cold car to get into upon leaving, are another. Even a little effort is too much. All too common....
Trying? I truly believe they've done it before and I hope they'll do it again. We are merely someone's experiment.
man that guy cracks me up, I think we are taking steps in the right direction, but we all need to get on the same page.
I personally never really thought there was a so called energy crisis .This vast amount of oil in North Dakata and the huge amounts of natural gas in Ohio didn't just magically appear out of the blue .

I've said before that I live right over top of what was once the highest producing oil field in the world . 90 percent of that oil is still down there .

The power tsars are just playing us like a fiddle and there isn't a damned thing we can do about it except beech .
The synthetic or biomass type conversion to petrolium from vegatable or cooking oil sources is viable but are in rather limited fashion looking at the overall big picture .

Collectively with all known sources of alternate fuels they might play a small part but it still won't get the whole job done .
Funny guy.

Politicians are one thing, and the common people that feel compelled to keep their engines running while they wait in line at the post office, and thus insure a comfortably warm or cold car to get into upon leaving, are another. Even a little effort is too much. All too common....

Drive thrus drive me nuts.
Can't imagine the worlds savings if people would just park or leave the line open for the quick coffee order.
I make a pot in the morning and half goes into the tanker mug that carries me thru to lunch. Cold coffee ain't that bad.

Obviously the rant can go on and on. our children will hopefully learn and do better.
But judging by the masses, Aliens are a better bet.
MB hit the nail on the head>
I just about always walk in. Seems like the drive thrus get waited on quicker. Lazy people.

Not that it wastes that much energy, but what is with most people in the winter turn the heat control on the car heater all the way up and blast the fan. All dressed in winter gear and you want it 90*?

And why do stores feel the need to keep the temp. freezing cold in the summer and roasting hot in the winter?
Perhaps a glutton for punishment, but I just figure that in a place where there are definite seasonal weather changes, in the winter you are supposed to be cold, and in the summer, hot. It isn't uncalled for to seek relief some of the time, and there are also health issues, but there is some reason to physically sensing the seasons. The bone to pick is with people that get ridiculous about not doing so, have to over exploit resources.
If you can keep your home at 70 in winter and 80 in summer you'll usually feel comfortable .I keep it at 75 year round because of my wifes inability to regulate her body temp .
The slightly downhill drive thru lane-- people can manually brake their cars after rolling in Neutral.

For air quality in the Lake Tahoe Basin, no new drive-thru's are allowed.
The new old president says he is going to stop dependence on foreign oil. Where have we heard that before?
Well truth be known all the oil , gas whatever ,coal is most likely controlled by a dozen or so companies world wide .

All this hoopla is just cheap talk like the ethanol thing that nearly every plant goes belly up within two years of operation . Then bought up for 10-20 cents on the dollar by less than half dozen other power brokers .They would just as soon send the operation to China except China has no corn to speak of .Unless they could make the stuff out of bamboo but then what would the pandas eat?