Did some sappy Monterrey Pines the other day (yes folks, the ones that set off my asthma). Worked a dream in the pitchy stuff. Nice to be able to not get frustrated with a prussic. I had three I traversed tree to tree in. Limb walk out to the next tree, catch a crossing limb and set a new tie in. Smooth as silk. I am using the FS that Dave Stice made for me so I can just Ddrt off the one tree, lanyard in, and pull my line to reset. Then work the tree SRT and prune... Set the FS, back onto Ddrt, traverse, repeat.. repeat. This becomes more difficult once you get too much pitch to make the traverse smoothly. More frustrating than anything on the limb walk. No problem with the mechanical. OAR performed flawlessly.
So.... I have one more thing I would like to try if Cory can be patient prior to me passing this on.
I am going to make a knee ascender out of my old Patin since I used my Christmas/Birthday money to by a new Camp Turbo foot ascender

Then I can try a nice walker set up with it losing the handled ascender.

I mean, if that is ok ?
Stole this pic off the net..