Night vision options

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  • #28
I have not heard back from the guy with the Bushnells yet, but I am finding a lot of used stuff for cheap on ebay amazingly enough!

Yes Mike, it's on the cheap. I'm not afraid to spend the money on something I will use a lot, but this won't get used much, if at all after this! A buddy has had peeping toms coming around for the last four months and they seem to get braver and braver. The time before last they got up on the roof of the garage at 4:30am? They usually show up around 12:30am, when his 23yo daughter is getting ready for bed.
The PD hasn't shown much concern and doesn't seem to want to throw some manpower at this, but the one cop will let me use his when he's on duty.
Then in a few weeks my buddy is going back to Pennsylvania for a couple of months. We would all like to have this handled before he leaves.
A friend of mine had the same problem they caught the peeper with a web camera. It was inside facing the window. If you don't need it for long I can lend you mine. I will get a picture posted later.
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  • #30
Thanks Mike, but I don't know how long I will need it though. They have tried twice to break in, once in broad daylight, once at night.
I think it's too dark to use the camera, maybe not, but I will suggest it.
I was thinking about rail cams, but they are very costly, and the resolution might not be enough to ID them.
One of the many cops we talked to said he was going to set up a motion camera on the garage. God resoliloution and swap out the memory card etc. But he never called or showed back up:?
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  • #32
Yeah, thats what I was thinking/talking about in the other post Brian. But I am not sure the resolution is good enough for an ID, and they are around $150 each. Since we know there are more than one, at least two would be needed!
One was spoted jumping over the fence when the security lights came on. The other one hide under a blanket on the front porch the whole time the cops where there:O
Makes you sleep good at night don't you think?
So you're doing all this because the guy doesn't have the friggin' balls to protect his own family? If I were in his shoes, I'd be staking out my own house by myself and then I'd blow a few holes in the motherfucker looking in my windows. If necessary to avoid charges, I'd then drag his lifeless carcass into the kitchen and hand him a knife before calling the cops to remove the scumbag from my property.

I understand you're a nice guy and all, but why are you taking this on instead of the guy doing it himself? Is he handicapped? Crippled? Does he work nights?
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  • #34
Retired military, two heartattacks, diabetes, on dissability and lives on Vicaden due to pains in hands and feet.
He has three large dogs that should be plenty of deterent, but it's not, sleeps with a pistol by his head, but by the time he gets up they are gone.
We built chainlink fence around a lot of the house, but they jump over it. We put up security lights, but they still come back, just where it's dark.
When do you stop Brian?
He's all for getting them, but the cops say they will file charges if one of the dogs gets them (thats some bulshit!) and they have to be in the house for a cap, he's not strong enough to move them.
The dog thing is bullshit if the dogs are contained within his yard. I know you may find this hard to believe, but cops lie. They lie all the time. Cops lie to try and make their job easier.

Cops don't want to have to file all the paperwork if this guy caps a peeping tom, or if his dogs tear the guy to pieces. So they bluff him in order to prevent him from harming the criminal. If the dogs never leave the yard then he's golden.
Those are great sentiments Brian. But with the state of forensics today they would know the body was moved. Even if you stayed out of jail with legal fees you would most likely be broke. It is quite unfortunate that the state of some laws these days really favor the perpetrator.
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  • #37
I wish that were true Brian! They already shot at one of his dogs, in his yard and charged the youngest with 90 days probation, the dog has to be in the kennel and on a chain now!
Talk about some backwoods bull crap!
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  • #40
I'd lov to piano wire between the trees, but that gets a lawsuit. I'd love to take 1x6"s and put a bunch of 3 1/2" screws in them and set them up around the fence and windows, but lawsuits again.
I'd go hang out in th trees, but not knowing when the PD will show and them seeing me, would blow the whole point of that.
It's jacked up! And this house is right in town!
I cannot comprehend the 'lawsuit' mentality/ fear for doing something in my own yard, protecting my own family and property. If an illegal intruder injures himself on a piece of piano wire in my yard inside a locked fence, he's got no legal leg to stand on. If you lose that lawsuit then you might as well stick the barrel of your pistol in your mouth and squeeze the trigger because life is no longer worth living.
Happens all the time, unfortunately. I remember reading about a homeowner getting sued by a burglar who fell through a skylight and onto a knife in the kitchen. He won. Talk about BS. I agree with you, my own fenced and locked yard I should be able to set all the booby traps I want. Scaling a fence or otherwise forcing your way into private property should negate a persons expectation of safety.
Unfortunately that is the state of our justice system today. If you set some kind of trap that injures someone in your fenced and locked yard they will sue and most likely win. First off you will have to prove he had criminal intent. Secondly you will have to prove that your life was in immediate danger and that you had no where else to retreat to. A trap demonstrates premeditated assault.
I do not like it any more than you do but this is what the country has come to.
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  • #44
Happens all the time, unfortunately. I remember reading about a homeowner getting sued by a burglar who fell through a skylight and onto a knife in the kitchen. He won. Talk about BS. ..........

The cop and I were even talking about that the other night! Thats some horse shat!
Devils advocate here.
I am sure you were going to put cones and caution tape up.