Hi all,
Hoping I can get some help here, as the "arborists" I have had come out are guessing at best and really only want to cut things down (even though I have told them over the phone what I need help with).
I have 2 trees that have splitting bark and what I believe to be Schizophyllum commune.
One is a Chinese Pistache and the other one is a very sentimental Japanese Maple and the trees are in Sacramento CA. After doing my own research I believe the trees to be sunscalded, I have 3 trees all doing the same thing on the bare trunks that get the most sun.
The Pistache and Maple also have fungus on them. The Maple was a tree we transplanted when our friends lost their home, it was symbolic for their mother and had her ashes placed in the hole prior to being planted the first time. When it was first planted it had been neglected and was very tall with little foliage as the owner was depressed from the loss of his mother. Japanese Maples were her passion.
I highly suspect the Maple is toast, the black stuff is pruning seal that someone from Home Depot told us to use. Its the only tree on my property not showing signs of life.
Please let me know if theres any hope, or if it would be better to just bite the bullet and pull either one of them.
Thanks all.
Hoping I can get some help here, as the "arborists" I have had come out are guessing at best and really only want to cut things down (even though I have told them over the phone what I need help with).
I have 2 trees that have splitting bark and what I believe to be Schizophyllum commune.
One is a Chinese Pistache and the other one is a very sentimental Japanese Maple and the trees are in Sacramento CA. After doing my own research I believe the trees to be sunscalded, I have 3 trees all doing the same thing on the bare trunks that get the most sun.
The Pistache and Maple also have fungus on them. The Maple was a tree we transplanted when our friends lost their home, it was symbolic for their mother and had her ashes placed in the hole prior to being planted the first time. When it was first planted it had been neglected and was very tall with little foliage as the owner was depressed from the loss of his mother. Japanese Maples were her passion.
I highly suspect the Maple is toast, the black stuff is pruning seal that someone from Home Depot told us to use. Its the only tree on my property not showing signs of life.
Please let me know if theres any hope, or if it would be better to just bite the bullet and pull either one of them.
Thanks all.