My New Collection Of Stuff I probably Don't Need

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Jul 21, 2019
KIT200 Maasdam Rope Puller Kit - Rope Puller Kit 200'
In Stock 1 $159.95 $159.95

NNLR-48 Notch Nylon Loop Runner - 48"
In Stock 1 $10.99 $10.99

NNLR-36 Notch Nylon Loop Runner - 36"
In Stock 3 $8.99 $26.97

601N Buckingham Port-A-Wrap - Medium (5/8" Rope)
In Stock 1 $139.99 $139.99

KL200SG ISC Off-Set D Steel Screw Gate Carabiner
In Stock 2 $15.99 $31.98

RP10 5 CMI RP105 Heavy Duty 5/8" Rope Pulley
In Stock 2 $65.99 $131.98

In Stock 1 $80.00 $80.00

and 150' of 1/2" Samson TreeMaster, and a loopie(wanted to see how they were put together) I got a couple days ago.

What did I forget? I got this stuff for no particular purpose. TBH, I wanted the free bag of rope for purchases >$375. I love that kind of thing. You get the anticipation of playing the lottery, but you always win. You'll get something for your $. My climbing lines I got as ends from CMCPro, and every one was good. They haven't been measured, but I think only one is <100'.

Anyway, I don't do much in the way of rigging, and my needs are pedestrian. So far I've made do with hardware store rope, retired crane slings, and tow straps, but it's time to get some decent gear. I got three strand to hold up to abuse, the maasdam is to pull in places I can't get my truck, and the pulleys are to add mechanical advantage to the maasdam, and maybe whatever??? The slings were cheap, and seemed they'd be generally useful. Same thing with the portawrap. I haven't needed one yet, but I like the design, and it looks like it would be generally useful.

Does this look like a decent general kit to get stuff done for someone that isn't a professional tree worker?

All in all that’s some incredibly useful and basic gear. Even the funny little scraps in the bag-o-rope might be handy one day. You using the loopie to attach the porty? If not, how are you mounting it?

Do you climb?
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The loopie was just cause I thought it looked neat, and I wanted to see one in person. I'm generally anti gear, and prefer to use the simplest iteration of something for the task. Like plain old rope. It can be anything you want with a few knots and bends. Also, since I'm doing this as a hobby, I have the luxury of time, and don't need faster gear to meet production.

I climb a little. Mainly spur. I got the wesspur basic kit to remove a dead spruce on my property. I didn't want to take it down from the bottom cause of trees close to it I didn't want disturbed. It wouldn't have been the end of the world, but I wanted to try spur climbing anyway, and it's opened up other opportunities for removals, both limiting damage, and making it safer by removing sketchy dead stuff first. I got the climbing ropes just to try it out. Figured I had everything else, might as well give it a go. I've had one successful DRT rope climb. Used it to remove some limbs off a willow that would have been almost impossible to safely get by myself otherwise.

A particular job I have in mind long term is a clump of locusts next to my drive. I'm afraid they're reaching end of life, and one in particular is leaning fairly hard towards the house. That'll have to be rigged down, and I'll definitely need more stuff than I currently have. That's kind of why I bought a bunch of stuff at once. I figured instead of getting it in dribbles over a couple years, I just get it all, and have a free bag of rope pieces to play with. It'll also give me time to familiarize myself with it all, and hopefully use it on some other more routine things. On the farm, there's a couple downed locusts that need to be hauled out of the woods, and no real close truck access. I'm thinking I can get them out with the rope, and pulley redirects.

I'm just having fun, and I make a little bit of money from work by taking care of stuff around the farm(I'm a surveyor, and the office is on a farm) when I get the time. It pays for the gear(or will eventually), and I get to have a good time with it :^)
Welcome John! You are definitely in the right place to have fun and learn about all sorts of stuff, especially trees. The guys who literally wrote the book and invented the gear and techniques hang out here daily. It's very humbling to be friends with people who collectively have more years experience than the oldest redwoods have been around.
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Got my stuff! The bag of rope pieces was a little disappointing. Got a lot of small diameter polypro. That would be more useful if I still paddled whitewater. It would be perfect for compact throwlines. I can use it for miscellaneous tying, but I don't think it has any application in tree work. Got some 1/2" Arborplex which will be handy, 1/2" Hawkeye climbline which I think I'll make a couple lanyards from, a mystery line that appears to be 1/2" static climbline, and mystery 1/2" doublebraid that's either rigging line, or mooring line. Still researching the mystery lines.

Hard to complain for I paid(nothing), but I might gripe a little if I paid $80. Part of the game with this kind of thing. Some people probably get amazing bags. Ya pay for the dreams, and you can't really lose, unlike the lottery. The other stuff looks cool. I'll have to put a rigging bag together to keep it all in one place. The Massdam and 50' of rope will live in the truck. I can use that for stuff other than trees.

One other thing... Haven't properly thanked you all for the welcomes. I've lurked here awhile, and you're right about the legends. Kind of intimidating tbh. That's why I held off signing up. I'm not a pro(in any sense of the word), and will likely never be, so it's hard to talk shop with the greats, or even the "not too bad when they aren't hungovers' as far as that goes :^D But you have a good group of guys here, and I have the occasional question. I may even have the much less frequent answer, but don't hold your breath ;^)

Yep...many different skill levels...lots of us are part-timers with trees. Don't ever be shy to post questions or jobs. Some folks are more direct than others about how they point out things they would do different...and typed words can be mis-interpreted pretty easily. Folks are good about helping with their take on how to do things....don't get your feelings hurt if something seems harsh. That might be the attention getter that keeps you from making a bad mistake. And the high level experience guys are good about passing along good info to those of us who still have a lot to learn.

There is a lot of wisdom in pages past here...use that to learn; and post up stuff you do. Folks will have different takes on how to do it differently....sometimes that's better sometimes it's moot.