Thanks for the info Al.
Say what,minutes on end,really minutes . Are you sure you don't have the chain on ass backwards . About a minute would be more like it on 30 inch unless it's petrified .I prefer to make my alap cut in 30+" wood without gnawing away for minutes on end.
Maybe I'm ADD but cutting slow bores me.
I'm thinking about a new 460 before they're gone and then sending it to Ed. It's worth the wait.
Anyone here running a modded 460?
Is there any advantage to semi skip over full skip? I have always used full comp but the bars I have run are 20" and under. I know teeny weeny.
BB, Are we to expect more power from the 362 and 442 or just revised emissions. I'm hoping the weight comes down a smidge on the 442. I was trying to find a few 440's but no luck here.
Semi and full skip cut slower than full comp. But are far easier to sharpen on those longer bars. I run full skip, out of laziness of sharpening, on all bars over 24".
If full or semi skip cut faster, racers would use it!