Morbark Model 17 Radiator Help


Apr 25, 2008
Lexington, KY
Need some help finding a radiator for a Morbark Model 17, 1994. Ours blew last Friday, its too damaged to repair. Morbark said at least $2500 and 40-60 days for a new one since its so old, can't find an after market one that'll fit for the life of us. From my understanding of what I've been told, its the tanks that are damaged. Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated!
These guys (Will and Ryan) are buddies of mine, if you can give them detailed measurements of core and location and angles o tank fittings I bet they can hook you up. If you can send tanks they may be able to sort you out if all else fails
My newer bandit 250xp just recently blew the inside cores of it's aluminum rad and I had one custom made out of copper and brass by a local company for nearly the identical price of buying another one from bandit or superior diesel who was who supplied my power plant to bandit to build my chipper. Anyways, I supplied them my aluminum rad and they delivered me back a brand new copper and brass one that was exactly the same. And I mean exactly, ever nut and bolt fit in the exact same place. I also told them that the original one never cooled the unit very well, they put bigger cores and larger spaces between the fins, now my machine 'hovers' between 165-172. Always so far for over a month and in ranges from milder temps to 100degree days.

FWIW, someone local to you should be able to build you something exactly the same for a comparable price to the factory one. Mine was $2800 through bandit, before importing and whatnot and I paid $2900 after tax locally for the one I got.
It is, haven't even blown it out yet, waiting to see if it'll start taking on more heat. I was frigging choked, 1000hrs and the aluminum rad is shot and can't be repaired? Bogus, that machine always ran hot, more like 200+ at about 230+ I burned the oil cooler gasket/seal out of it under warranty. My full-time guy who used to work for one of my competitors with the exact same machine said that it always ran hot too, it was newer like mine an '08 I think, and he said it would regularly shut-down from getting to hot. It's a flaw I tell you, my competitor blew his rad out too within weeks of mine going, I'm pretty certain he ordered another factory one. I've got as Butch would put it, a tigers eye, on a drive by I can suss out quite abit about a set-up.