You get more power from concentrating more distance of force into a smaller one;
like boiling water out of something to raise to higher concentration, or diluting same for more distance, but weaker tea etc.
In a rigid lever, you do this with the ratio of input vs. output lengths to pivot each.
In flexible/rolling levers (pulley) use legs of pull ratio against input vs. output.
Either way, if you contrive circumstance of 10 inches input gives only 1 inch output
>>is 10x Leveraged force, at a trade off\loss of 10 x distance,would find is slower, but VERY fast worked backward cuz one end would be forced 1" in same time other end JUMPED 10!
That is all that there is to it, jest in different disguises! Wedge is ramp of more distance run input into smaller lift of exchange. Screw spirals ramp to same math.
10 speed bicycle as truck transmission: different speeds vs. powers trade-offs from same input man or machine. Like electric watts = volts x amps(same battery can deliver more volts at less amps etc.), total mechanical power = distance traveled x force, all are E=mc squared
Even hydraulic bottle jack: If compress 4inches down on small cylinder as input
>>that spreads out so wide to large cylinder that only outputs 1\4inch lift is 16x leveraged return
>>(then times lever input into small cylinder)
All examples above are same volume of force as water in aquarium volume that can be let to run long or forced into smaller\higher aquarium(like higher is higher pressure on side glass), the volume of water force exists and will go far or high. Concentrated or diluted lemonade has the same lemonade power total, but weaker can go longer distance etc.
Yin/Yang trade off to the same sum of force\distance, no free ride, pay the piper
>>in fact always some loss\tax of conversion, usually frictions(who's heat force make/up fore loss)
Zrig is simple answer. 3x pull lengths on load from 1x input.
3 possible pulley positions:
Pulley on load output, gives 2 legs of pull against for more power
Pulley on effort input have to pull 2 legs to get one movement, so pulls faster but weaker
Pulley on non-moving part\anchor is 1:1 breakeven point, but change in direction
i'd use truck like a mule instead of Maasdam.
Keep gas, good tires, put load in back on solid ground , consider low pulley to truck if line angle upwards would reduce traction too much when tensioning line.
If a tool is rated at 1000#, i only look to work in clear power band of 250-500#, and lifting more conservative SWL ratio.
W(h)ore out Maasdam cam and left behind at some point.
i'd prefer over the top tie off, to Bowline for then SEPARATE zrig pulling (losing highest prusik)
>>i favour (when can) prussik grab tightline (thinner) to TENSIONLESS (so same line now fatter) line\as shelf for prussik to sit on, as most positive. If doing all in one tree pull and zRig would favour Bfly option, instead of 2x1000# on prusik.
Other prussik input less force into for zrig input, is more like this, but i might even throw slip knot in tail under
>>but in an case would place, set prussik, then pull prussik hard in opposite target direction of proposed pull, then snap back to correct direction of pull to seat.
Counter-intuitively: have to pull more stretch of line from zRig input,
>>BUT load pull from other end of 3000# would only get 1000# type load elasticity (stiffer) dampening per foot of zRig, not per foot of line in zRig. 3000 pull on same single line shockload gives more elastic dampening; as it enroaches more on the total capacity of the line at 3000 rather than 1000!