Got a deal on a 1200Ws battery powered strobe, 25% off and sales tax rebated back, it delivered yesterday. I bought it for shooting an all day pageant, hopefully some strobed action shots, and who knows what else. I haven’t bought the 1200Ws ring light head for it, yet.
Didn’t have anything specific to shoot, so I waited for it to get dark and took it outside. It had no problem lighting something up ~40 yards away at F2.8 and a low ISO (640 or less), so I took it to the other side of the house for a longer target.
Interesting note, 1/200 is the sync speed for electronic shutter. With mechanical shutter it jumps to 1/400 and in crop mode (APSC) it’s 1/500th. It was dark enough for me to see the green LED on the battery charger on the boat 120 yards away, so shutter speed didn’t really matter.
Manual focus, because autofocus can’t work when the sensor can’t see anything. This are low resolution (2MP) JPG exports straight from camera.
A1/400GM, ISO 5000, 1/200, F2.8. Those cypress trees are 185 yards from the camera/strobe.
Switched lenses to give context for the distance/amount of light. The above picture is basically dead center of this picture (including the blown out foreground).
A1, 16-35mm GM, ISO5000, 1/200, F2.8.