What do you like best?
Actually, WD40 is awful. About the only thing it does well is displace water, and it works ok at removing some adhesives without leaving a lot of residue. The reason it works is because it's basically just cleaning the carabiner without leaving residual grease, but as a lubricant it sucks. I'd recommend a dry lube, some type of graphite or something that will last a while without attracting grit and grime.
I prefer nothing at all, but dry graphite is the only thing I'll use if there is no alternative. Any oil or silicone based lube will attract crud in a heartbeat and be counter-productive. Keeping them clean is the best plan for smooth operation.
Clean biners regularly by hot bath...let them sit in a few inches of water in a sauce pan on the stove top and simmer for 10 minutes or so. You'll see the dirt drift out of the barrel and hinge. Then blow them dry with compressed air. They will be like new clean, and operate that way, too. I learned this technique from Pete McTree, and it works a treat.
...Clean biners regularly by hot bath...let them sit in a few inches of water in a sauce pan on the stove top and simmer for 10 minutes or so. You'll see the dirt drift out of the barrel and hinge. Then blow them dry with compressed air. They will be like new clean, and operate that way, too. I learned this technique from Pete McTree, and it works a treat.
Don't get me wrong, I love WD40 (& duct tape):
Add some shoe goo to your arsenal and you can fix anything!
I used compressed air mostly sometimes a hot bath (when needed) and use Rem Dri Lube it is a teflon based spray it goes on wet and dries.