Eric H-L
My name is Eric. I am a splicing addict. I have *way* more lanyards than I need! So I started making dog leashes and either giving them away or putting them on Etsy but no sales yet. I really like using Samson velocity but I think 11mm might be a little heavy for small dogs. I am looking for a source of a really nice 9mm (3/8") rope. I like 3/8 stable braid except for two things. With wear it fades and customers (or gift recipients) might think it's defective. The other thing is 3/8 stablebraid is pink and my daughter tells me not everyone wants a pink leash. Who knew? So I bought some black double braid nylon from a random online source. It feels really poor quality. Picks easily, the white core shows through the cover if it gets a little distorted.
And the cover is baggy. Sure it costs half as much as a good climbing line, but I would be willing to pay more for something that looks and feels good. Does not need to be rated for life support. Any sources?