Going back about 20-27 years roughly $200-$250/day Cdn. Plus benefits. It was pretty good for a young man. That was logging money, fallers made more but I was never able to get a steady gig doing that. I started on the coast at 18. Full union camp, someone made my bed and swept my room everyday. All you could eat buffet every evening. Whatever you could imagine to order for breakfast and a huge spread of tables of food to choose for lunch each day. I stayed in a few different camps. The best one had a 24/7 available commercial sized ice cream freezer and pastry/treat tables. As well as a bar/Lounge with cheap beer, pool tables and sat tv. No logging camp I ever stayed in was dry, but I never drank in camp. Wasn't interested, back then I'd slip out back for a 'smoke'. $2.50/day was deducted from my wage to cover camp costs. Odd setup I know but that was the 'agreement' somehow or other. Still cheap way to live.