Living in MA questions

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We now have a schedule set up. Hoping to get up there Sunday night, go visit Jim and possibly Greg if you're free on Monday, and take our tour on Tuesday of the school. After that we may either head home on Wed. or stay an extra day and head home Thursday.
Adrian, ya better study up on the language! I so sorry I even brought it up. Hey at least you don't have to study the WI and MN dialects! Jeesh! LMAO
So! Your sayin' to be good at self defense??? Or for him to bring along a gun!!!!
Those kind of people don't go to college. Well unless they play football or basketball.
I like to listen to accents and try to place somebody. I had this guy around NYC with a hint of Boston. I knew there was something else there but I couldn't place it. I finally asked him and it was MN. It's kind of sing song.
We now have a schedule set up. Hoping to get up there Sunday night, go visit Jim and possibly Greg if you're free on Monday, and take our tour on Tuesday of the school. After that we may either head home on Wed. or stay an extra day and head home Thursday.

We'll have to see about Monday, not sure what the upcoming weather will bring.
Got a call on Thursday that my son needed to move back up here on Friday. He is getting his own apartments to manage. The current manager failed a drug test.
Yeah, it's about $50 round trip in gas to visit them. He and she also get a $5.50 raise. So maybe they won't be so broke.
Jay, the company that was running things PAM (Professional Apartment Management) got bought out by another company. So all of the old employees if they wanted to keep their jobs became new employees for the new company which has a drug testing policy of all new employees. These are mostly low income apartments built by the gub-ment and they contract out the management of them. Out of 50 couples 8 failed to get hired by the new company because of the test.
Thanks for the explanation, Steve.

Personally, I think that drug testing is invasion of privacy for occupations where safety isn't a concern. You look at a person's record and history of work associations, and if everything is cool, whatever they may be doing in their privacy, it can be determined that their work professionalism is above board and not a questionable matter for the company to be dubious about. In other words, they've got it together. I don't know the ins and outs of it, never had a test myself, and don't use drugs, but that is how it strikes me. You can go simplistic thinking about it or go complicated. Is it naive to think that someone on drugs is doing their job well?
Most companies do whatever their lawyers tell them to do. They are somewhat caught between privacy issues and reliability issues. Part of the managers job is to get rid of drug dealing/drug using tenants. Plus they live in company owned housing. So that complicates matters even more.