Lets see your harness......

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I have the Edge at work-Parks. I like it, the little I've used it (more often in a Petzl fall arrest bucket harness). The bridge is a point that I don't like. I have the webbing bridge. I just like rope bridges better.

At ISA, I just bought the ErgoLite with rope bridge and rigging plates over getting an Edge for personal treework.

Both seem very supportive. The Edge leg loops are well padded, but hang up on each other a bit while walking in it.
I like the Buckinghams too. Is the middle rear loop, shown with the biner with small pulley in it, rated for life support? If so it would be a decent but not perfect place to tie into a bucket with the bucket lanyard when wearing the saddle.

IMO using that middle loop in the back of a work positioning saddle as an anchor for a fall arrest is just asking for trouble. IMO those loops should be cut off, or at least never used as you describe. If you were ever knocked out of the bucket and caught hanging by that little loop in the back of the saddle, you'd probably suffer from internal injuries and you certainly would not be able to right yourself. You'd be stuck hanging with your guts being squished until somebody on the ground figured out how to get you down.

IMO tree safety is all about being able to rescue yourself because depending on somebody else to rescue you is a foolish and dangerous proposition. Laws are written forcing us to depend on others but we all know that we are very alone when it comes to being stuck in a tree. I will never use an attachment that will put me in a helpless position if it is ever used.
For fall arrest you're supposed to use the dorsel D-ring with a decell . Again though I'm not so certain all arborist type climbing saddles are so equipted.

On that although I had to go to a school on the type I use. I forget exactly how many foot pounds of force are applied just from a 6 foot fall but it's a bunch .Enough it could really screw your innards up if you hit the end of a taut line cinched around your middle .
Yep, I wouldn't use that loop for that purpose at all. This topic has been brought up numerous times at different places, and everyone agrees that that loop is a not intended for fall arrest use in a bucket situation by itself.
Here's a few of mine, nothing fancy, a figure 8, loop runner with crab for redirects or anything really, and my 14' lanyard. If I frog walk up the tree than my hand ascender is on there as well. SRT really simplifies climbing.

I have one hanging on my back at all times. I am not totally sure how useful it would be, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Thanks for the link Nick.

I have a wound dressing kit on my gear bag. So it not exactly WITH me but close. Did you need yours in the tree or on the ground Pete?
Here's mine a TM, I travel light, just the chainsaw lanyard and a reirect sling with biner and my 14' velocity lanyard. However I will always need some of the following depending on the job ----- footlock prussic and eight, one of three types of FS ( pulley saver, adjustable ring/ring or the new thimble saver with steel thimbles ) or my SRT stuff, pantin, home made wrench, frogwalker ascender setup and chest harness. Then there is the rigging slings with steel biners etc, as I do a lot of knotless rigging. Did not include here. I am less is best, I have two groundies who send me what I want and they are returned when I am finished with them. IMG04405-20120826-2013.jpg IMG04406-20120826-2014.jpg
Here's mine basic. Less my two handled ascender and tether for SRT. The tether can also be used for a redirect or tether for the F8. Diddy bag hold a 16oz weight, celox, inhaler, extra pully, prussic and a couple biners. FS is added if I am switching to Ddrt after a Wraptor ride. Anything else rides up with me or is sent up depending on the work plan. If I am just going to climb the tree, more is hauled up once I am in a working position. Wraptor ride takes as much gear and rope I will need for the job in one flight unless it interferres with the flight.


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Looks a lot better than the massive conglomeration you had at the Redwood get-together, Stephen. You've refined your setup quite a bit in the last few years. :thumbup:
Some dudes damn near wanna take the truck.and chipper up with them on their saddle. I don't get it. Too heavy.
I have always climbed heavy, now I kind of have to. I really don't feel like it weighs me down or slows me down. It does slow me down when I have to wait to have a second split tail and biners sent up to me. If I pay good money to get gear that makes my job easier, you better bet that I will carry it with me.