Identify This!


Island Girl
Mar 22, 2005
The main reason for the thread is, why would the bloom be dropping off so soon? Only reason I can think of is to much water? Leon, have you seen this one before?


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You sure it wasn't that cold spell you guys had the other night? And the foliage color of everything around it tells me that everything is getting plenty of water. Other than that, I'll have to sit back and listen to what the real tree guys have to say. :D
hmm, we rarely see bottle brush here but I was throwing it out there :) darn those tropical trees!
Pseudobombax ellipticum, Pink Shaving Brush tree.

Those trees are pretty drought tolerant so I wouldn't think that lack of water is the problem. How quickly are the blossoms dropping? Are they dropping before they open?

Those are awesome trees, by the way. You're going to love that one when it gets larger!
Nice scaffolding. A monocotyledon?
"Attractive plant.But if you grow one outdoors in a pot be careful of sunburn. For a xeriscape plant usually planted in ground, its very sensitive to hot summer sun while kept as a potted plant. Temps below freezing are likely to kill it."

I didnt know what xeriscape meant so I looked it up. From the Greek xeros, which means “dry,” a water-conserving landscape design. Xeriscaping, as a word and a style, was developed in the early 1980s by the Denver Water Department as a way to landscape in an area that has chronic water shortages.
Right on Rumi, nice job!
Robert, it's not a monocotyledon. The only monocots commonly regarded as trees are palms and traveller's palms.
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Leon, you guessed it! I knew you would know!! We were thinking maybe it gets to MUCH water, but Brian might be on to something with the cold weather. These blooms fell very quickly, after they opened.
On fruit trees especially, limiting the number of branches that extend from the trunk, so the tree will be able to support the weight of its fruit." :?

Never over-prune the growth in the center of the tree. Enough small shoots should be left to provide shade for the scaffolds and sub-scaffolds. Over-exposure of scaffolds to sun will result in “sunscald”, i.e., death of the upper side of the exposed scaffold.
Gigi, the Arboretum in Honolulu has a beautiful specimen of one of those trees and it's a rainforest, so I think they're tolerant of a lot of moisture also, as long as the soil isn't waterlogged.

Is this the first year it's flowered? If so, I wouldn't worry about it much. Many trees have poor flowering their first season or two.
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Is this the first year it's flowered? If so, I wouldn't worry about it much. Many trees have poor flowering their first season or two.

That is interesting Leon, we have only had the tree 2 years. It did flower last year. Maybe we are over reacting, we did have some high winds this past weekend.
I love how the new leaves come out after all the flowers fall off and are such a beautiful coppery color.
Gigi, what is the plant in front ? Is it Azalea ? It looks a tiny bit browned-out ? I'm wondering (and please don't take offense !) >>> could Hunter be 'marking' this area ?
Scaffolding? :?

Gigi, didn't you receive the 'Extreme de-coder ring'? I thought all Tree Housers got this with the first year of membership :)

I think he means 'scaffolding branch structure'. Extreme reads alot I think, then paraphrases what he has read.
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Gigi, didn't you receive the 'Extreme de-coder ring'? I thought all Tree Housers got this with the first year of membership :)

I think he means 'scaffolding branch structure'. Extreme reads alot I think, then paraphrases what he has read.

With treatment like this no wonder the TH is down to 10 posters:X
Dont get your knickers in a twist Robert. Frans' use of a smiley would indicate that he was joking.
You bring it on yourself, Robert. I don't understand half of what you say either..

What did I write on this thread that you dont understand?
Maybe you are like vharrioson and dont understand scaffolding?(
What did I write on this thread that you dont understand?
Maybe you are like vharrioson and dont understand scaffolding?(

Ah Robert, no-one is making fun of you.

Just read what you wrote man, it speaks for itself

-frans OUT!